Cooperative Education

Career Based Intervention Program (CBIP) - UARISE

15 periods per week - up to 3 credits.

Includes CBIP Related,Work Experience,

Prerequisite: Must be 14 years old. Must be approved by CBIP teacher, high school counselor, and parent.

learning/academic/intervention program. Students are the owners/ managers/employees of our high school based coffee shop, UARise Cafe. The program promotes a learning environment in which there exists a sense of community with a common purpose, recognition of a learner's uniqueness, responsibilities and obligations, and assurance that the learner is engaged in a comprehensive program of academics, career and citizenship development, and work- based learning opportunities. In a school system where college is the rule rather than the exception, it is important that students are given an opportunity for a hands-on experience, in a real-world setting. CBI at UAHS is designed to give students what they need to succeed, helping them academically and emotionally. All CBI students take regularly scheduled English, science, math, and history classes, as is dictated by their individual needs. Students work in the coffee shop before school or during the school day. Through the CBI and UARise experience, students are given numerous opportunities to succeed in a setting that provides boundaries and expectations, improves time management skills, self-discipline, teamwork, and cooperation.