Week Six

Drafting a Rhetorical Analysis

This week you'll prepare a draft of your 7.1 Rhetorical Analysis paper for peer review.

The full instructions for 7.1 are available on the Week Seven page because the final version is due at the end of Week Seven; however, you'll be expected to submit a draft this week in the 6.1 discussion board.

Before getting started on your rhetorical analysis draft, complete the following tasks:

After completing these tasks, you'll be ready to prepare your draft and submit it to the 6.1 discussion board (see below).

Rhetorical Analysis of an Argument - Womb and Selfies arguments

6.1 Discussion: Share Your Rhetorical Analysis Draft and Peer Review

After completing all classwork/readings for Week Six, draft a complete version of your 7.1 paper.

Initial Post:

By Wednesday of Week Six, create an initial discussion post in the 6.1 Discussion Board in Blackboard in which you do the following:

  • Embed a link to the Google Doc containing your draft paper. Make sure permissions on your Doc are set to "can comment."

  • Include specific questions or requests for help from your classmates. How can they help you improve your draft specifically?

Peer Reviews:

By the end of the week (Sunday of Week Six), read and respond to the papers of two classmates, providing each writer with feedback that will tell them 1) What they should revise, 2) Why they should revise, 3) How they should revise, and 4) Where they can go for more information about their revision.

Do the following for each of the two papers:

  1. Access and read your peer's paper. Be sure to also read the notes or questions from your classmate in his/her initial post. The Google Doc containing the paper should allow you to leave comments on the paper itself in addition to writing your peer review discussion reply (see #2). Comments on the paper itself can be used to mark specific parts referenced in the peer review discussion reply.

  2. Write a discussion reply to your classmate that identifies how they could improve their writing in each of these three categories (each category should be a heading in your post):

  • Analysis of Selected Argument

  • Organization

  • Grammar, Mechanics, and Format

For each of these sections, address one or two things that your peer did well. Then, address the following elements:

  1. What elements of the writing can be improved?

  2. Why do those elements need to be improved?

  3. How can the author improve those areas (provide some examples to demonstrate how s/he can improve)?

  4. Where should the author go for more information on improving this area? You might link to one of the resources from the class, indicate pages in the Harvard Business Review Guide to Better Business Writing (linked in Week Three), or locate a resource online to help the classmate improve in a particular area.

As you write, keep in mind the kind of feedback you would like to receive and write that feedback to your peer review partner. While a simple "Great job!" might feel good, giving ONLY "Great job!" statements will not help your peer review partner revise.

NOTE: The 6.1 Discussion will be graded as peer review rather than discussion. A comparable peer review rubric is provided below as an example. The draft will receive a separate score.

Peer Review Board Grading.pdf