We encourage applications from people of all identities, especially applications from underrepresented groups such as, but not limited to, racialized individuals, women and gender minorities, and people with disabilities. 

We understand the importance of EDI and firmly believe that EDI leads to more creative teams and opens the door to new discoveries. Our research is to discover novel proteins and pathways that regulate lipid metabolism. To do this, we need creative ideas and approaches. People from different backgrounds often think about the same problem from different perspectives and provide new insights and unique approaches for solving the problems we often encounter in our research. Furthermore, people with diverse backgrounds make the laboratory more dynamic and broaden our knowledge horizons, leading to increased productivity and opportunities for innovation. My team members haves a wide range of backgrounds (e.g. Females, Males, Canadians, Asians, Blacks, etc.), which is critical to the success of our research. 

We implement a lab protocol to ensure that people of all identities obtain a fair, equitable, and transparent research environment, such as a signing sheet for booking and using common equipment, shared lab responsibilities, the same set of basic laboratory supplies for each lab member, etc. Lab protocols are published on a shared Google driver that is accessible to every lab member. We keep these protocols and policies up-to-date, clearly communicate them to all team members, and encourage all lab members to participate in the decision-making process.

We discuss concerns and comments in our biweekly lab meeting. Meanwhile, I understand that people may not always want to express their feelings in public. Therefore, my office door is always open. I am available to discuss questions and concerns with every lab member; no appointment is needed. Lab members can also seek and receive assistance from resources outside of me. Please see the contact information in "Resources".

We ensure that all team members have equal access to all available resources and receive equal support and opportunities. All lab members also share equal responsibilities and opportunities, such as mentoring trainees, attending conferences, and publishing papers. At the same time, I recognize that each person has different circumstances and may have different needs. We can discuss the situation on an individual basis and will do our best to meet their needs. But we will let other lab members know the reasons so they don't feel discriminated against.