
Positions Available

Dr. Toshifumi Yokota's laboratory at the University of Alberta is actively seeking applications for various positions including postdoctoral fellows, as well as undergraduate and graduate students. Ideal candidates for the postdoctoral positions should be highly motivated individuals who have earned their Ph.D. within the past three years. We are also looking for eager undergraduate and graduate students who are passionate about advancing their research skills in a dynamic and supportive academic environment.

The University of Alberta's Dr. Toshifumi Yokota and the research team have been recognized among the top scholars in the field of muscular dystrophy (ranked #2, top 0.01% in the world) and personalized medicine (ranked #4, top 0.02% in the world) by ScholarGPS. This prestigious recognition highlights the lab's significant contributions and the impactful work being conducted at the University of Alberta. Our laboratory is internationally renowned for its groundbreaking work in the field of genome-editing/antisense technology. Our research group focuses on investigating and developing treatments for muscular dystrophy and rare genetic diseases using a combination of experimental and computational approaches. We employ cutting-edge techniques such as antisense oligonucleotides, delivery technologies, CRISPR/Cas9, and machine learning to advance our understanding of these conditions and develop innovative therapeutic strategies. By joining our lab, you will have the opportunity to work in a highly collaborative and interdisciplinary environment. 

We actively collaborate with world-class researchers and industry partners, providing unique opportunities for career development and networking. For example, in collaboration with Sarepta Therapeutics, we examined the effects of peptide-conjugated antisense oligonucleotides in a large animal model of Duchenne muscular dystrophy (see Echigoya et al. PNAS. 2017). Moreover, our partnership with Dr. Pieter Cullis from the University of British Columbia, a renowned figure in biochemistry and recipient of the Gairdner International Award, is yielding innovative strides in developing lipid nanoparticles for antisense oligonucleotide delivery. This collaboration is particularly focused on treating genetic neuromuscular and musculoskeletal diseases. These partnerships not only enhance our research capabilities but also provide invaluable opportunities for career development and networking in the field. 

Trainees in our research group will have the opportunity to gain a diverse skill set encompassing various areas of research. We are dedicated to providing comprehensive training that equips our trainees with the necessary skills to excel in their individual projects and prepare them for successful academic research careers or other health-related career paths. This includes in silico drug design, muscle cell culture (both human and animal cells), working with animal models, conducting muscle physiology studies (such as exercise studies), histology techniques, confocal/two-photon laser microscopy, molecular analysis (such as RNA-seq and quantitative real-time reverse transcription PCR analysis), molecular cloning, protein biochemistry, and proteomics analysis. By acquiring proficiency in these techniques, our trainees will develop a strong foundation of skills that are essential for conducting cutting-edge research in the biomedical field. These skills will not only contribute to their academic research endeavours but also open up opportunities for careers in non-academic health-related fields.

We are proud of our past trainees, many of whom have secured esteemed faculty positions at research institutions such as the University of Alberta, the University of Victoria, the University of Vermont, and Nihon University. Others have successfully transitioned into impactful careers in the life science sector and governmental roles, joining leading organizations like Eli Lilly, Roche, and Chugai Pharmaceutical. Our laboratory is dedicated to providing a nurturing and stimulating training environment that allows trainees to broaden their knowledge base, hone their skills, and enhance their professional development. We are committed to equipping our trainees with a comprehensive educational experience that prepares them to excel in their future careers and make substantial contributions to the health and life sciences fields.

Full-time graduate students joining our research group will receive a competitive stipend, which is guaranteed to be equal to or greater than the minimum amount determined yearly by the graduate committee. The specific stipend amount may vary depending on the program, but it is typically around $25,000 - $35,000 per year. We understand the financial challenges that graduate students may face, and we are committed to providing financial support to ensure a productive and fulfilling research experience. The stipend for graduate students will be covered by research grants from the principal investigator (PI) in cases where the student has not received sufficient external scholarships or funding.

For graduate student applicants, we prioritize candidates who are eager to pursue Ph.D. degrees and are committed to advancing their careers in biomedical research. This approach guarantees that our trainees are academically well-prepared and strategically positioned to make impactful contributions to the field of biomedical sciences.

If you are passionate about making a difference in the lives of patients with muscular dystrophy and genetic diseases, and if you are eager to contribute to cutting-edge research in a dynamic and supportive research team, we encourage you to apply. To apply, please submit your CV, a brief statement of your research interests and career goals, and the contact information of three references. We look forward to reviewing your application and considering you for a position in our laboratory.


Representative original research publications of the PI as the senior author since 2017 include:

Nestled in the vibrant city of Edmonton, our research group is affiliated with the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry at the University of Alberta. Renowned for its excellence in medical education and research, the Faculty has established itself as one of the world's top 50 medical schools and is recognized as a leading institution for health-related education in Canada. In addition, the university is ranked 3rd in the world in the field of muscular dystrophy research by ScholarGPS. With a diverse community of over 39,000 students and 15,000 faculty and staff, the University of Alberta provides a dynamic and stimulating environment for learning, collaboration, and innovation. Our research group benefits from the rich academic and research resources available within the University, fostering a vibrant and supportive community that promotes interdisciplinary collaboration and knowledge exchange. The city boasts a thriving arts and culture scene, picturesque river valleys, and easy access to stunning natural landscapes, including the Canadian Rockies. Edmonton's vibrant and inclusive community, coupled with its affordable cost of living and high safety standards, makes it an ideal place to pursue your academic and research aspirations.

Department of Medical Genetics https://www.ualberta.ca/medical-genetics

Maternal and Child Health Scholarship Program (MatCH Program) https://www.ualberta.ca/medicine/programs/maternal-and-child-health-scholarship-program

Neuroscience and Mental Health Institute (NMHI) https://www.ualberta.ca/neuroscience-and-mental-health-institute 

Last updated: 16 June, 2024