Contact us

If you have a question, please don't hesitate to contact us! 

Instagram: svcc_ualberta 


Frequently Asked Questions

1) How can I register for sessions?

You can sign up through the online registration form on our website. You must sign a new form for every term. 

2) Where is my in-person session?

In-person sessions are in classrooms at the University of Alberta's Education building (11210 87 Ave NW, Edmonton, AB T6G 2G5). Please come to the cafeteria at least half 15 min before to check in. A volunteer will show you your classroom or help you register.

*Sessions are free, but you will have to find and pay for your own parking.

3) Where is the link to my session?

Links are sent either on Friday evenings or Saturday mornings before the session starts. 

If you have not received a link 10 min before your session starts, check to see if our email got sent to your spam folder first, then send us an email

4) What time is my session?

You can find the time for you session here!

5) Can I sign up for more than one session?

Yes! First, check to make sure the times of each session don't overlap. Then, submit two separate applications on our registration form. You will be sent an email with the link to attend your sessions either on Friday or Saturday morning before the session starts.

6) Which level should I join?

The content and difficulty of each level can change from semester to semester. Generally speaking:

Beginners is for people with little or no experience using the language.

Intermediate is for people who know the basics and want more practice with harder grammar forms.

Advanced is for people who want to practice speaking more in different situations.

For a more detailed information, check out the page here!

7) Do I get credits for these sessions?

You will NOT receive credits for these sessions. They are NOT official classes from the university so they can NOT be used towards any certification, tests, or as proof of fluency. These sessions are meant to help you practice a language.

8) "I missed a session"/"I registered late". Can I get the learning material?

SVCC does NOT record any of our online session because of privacy reasons. However, you can ask your peer mentor for the missed learning materials. Please contact them directly, because they usually create the material themselves, and it is up to them what and how much they want to share.

9) Will SVCC offer more language sessions in the future?

SVCC is open to hosting sessions for other languages. If there is enough interest and volunteers (1 lead mentor and 2-3 peer mentor) we will consider offering it in the future. Please contact us if you are interested in hosting a session with us!

10) Where can I find the latest news and updates?

SVCC does not have a newsletter and will not send you promotional emails about sessions. You can find the latest information about sessions Instagram and website.