Collaboration with Critical Care Units

What about research activities that take place in the NICU/PCICU?

  • Although NICU and PCICU are both apart of our shared Congenital Heart Program, they each have their own separate research support groups.
  • The lead coordinator for PCICU is Cathy Sheppard and she can be reached at She can assist with strategy and timing for introduction of your study in both intensive care environments.
  • You may be asked to present your study to their research group prior to starting. We highly recommend doing this before taking your application to ethics in case any revisions need to be written after negotiations with ICU are complete.
  • An AHS Operational Approval via NACTRC is required for all areas accessed for the conduct of research.
  • Each local research group has a good handle on how many invasive studies are active on their units at any given time and can help to strategize in timing and approach. Both ICU's are generally amenable to hosting our research activities in their environment. We encourage you to reach out to Cathy and/or a collaborating intensivist to ensure our research is structured and timed in a way that is best suited to their environment.

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