Results & Discussion

Is there an association between physicochemical properties & in situ nutrient availability?

In Situ Physicochemical & Nutrient Relationships

When looking at the relationships between the PRS probes and the physicochemical measurements taken as a whole, there appear to be significant positive relationships between the in situ available nitrogen and surface temperature (Figure 33.). As expected, soil moisture and depth of rust are negatively correlated, with wet areas having less aeration. Wet areas were positively correlated with ammonium availability but not with nitrate availability. This is as expected, because nitrate is usually associated with oxidation in aerobic conditions, while ammonium is often associated with reduction in anaerobic conditions.

Figure 33. Exploratory data analysis of physicochemical parameters and PRS nitrogen values. Histograms showing data distributions are displayed in the center. Scatterplots for each variable combination are shown on the left, and Spearman's rank correlation coefficients are shown on the right. Numbers with larger text indicate higher correlation values; stars indicate significance * = 0.05, ** = 0.01, *** = 0.001.

Due to its high mobility and risk for leaching, understanding what may influence nitrate availability is important for land managers. Although there are some clear associations between the available nitrogen and the measured physicochemical properties, it appears that surface temperature is the only physicochemical parameter measured that may be a suitable predictor for nitrate availability when looking at all extraction phases together. We are aware that this statement is woefully simplistic and additional parameters, such as peat pH, EC, and carbon:nitrogen ratios are currently being assessed.

Do extraction phases have different physical & chemical signatures in the peat field?

Nonmetric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) was used to identify differences between peatland extraction phases using soil moisture, depth of rust, depth of ice, soil moisture, surface temperature, below ground temperature, ammonium and nitrate supply rates (Figure 34.).

Figure 34. shows clear differentiation between the peat extraction phases. As predicted, soil moisture is correlated with depth of rust, where higher soil moisture conditions inhibit aeration and result in lower oxygen content. There is a lack of relationship between soil moisture and nitrate availability, and surface temperature is associated with both ammonium and nitrate.

Overwhelmingly, the natural site is extremely variable, suggesting that there is a high occurrence of "acceptable" changes that can be deemed within a natural range. The hummock and hollow microtopography exist on opposite sides of the spectrum, with hollows characterized by high soil moisture, low aeration, and low belowground temperature. In general, neither are associated with nitrogen species. The wide range in values for depth of rust, soil moisture, and belowground temperature are likely due to different moss types and inherent microtopography associated with hummocks and hollows, as well as distance from the water table.

Figure 34. Non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) ordination showing peatland extraction phase groups for in situ peat chemical processes. Physicochemical properties and PRS probe nutrient rates are displayed as vectors. Different colours represent different peat extraction treatments. Data were scaled and Euclidean distance was used. Ellipses represent 60% confidence intervals.

Overall, it appears that extracted sites can be characterized by higher ammonium, nitrate, and higher surface temperatures. Soil moisture was higher than expected in the extraction sites despite lowered water tables from ditching. This may be due to smaller peat pore spaces in the older peat that are able to retain moisture even with drainage is present (Price et al., 2003). Depth of rust was comparable to the natural site due to the wide range of values observed. Surface temperatures were elevated, but below ground temperature was variable. This may be due to the thin layer of very dry peat at the surface which could reduce evapotranspiration. It appears that higher temperatures at extraction sites may increase decomposition and augment the availability of ammonium and nitrate. This suggests that extraction fields may be a major source of nitrogen that may leach off site.

The restored sites are characterized by high soil moisture and low depth of rust. This is likely due to the presence of shallow water at or near the surface that inhibits aeration. The belowground temperature was moderate, while the surface temperatures were cooler. The presence of vegetation may shade surface peat, and evapotranspiration from the open water may keep temperatures cool.

A perMANOVA using 999 permutations and Euclidean distance was used to test for significant differences between extraction phases (natural hummock, natural hollow, extracted, restored). When PRS nitrogen availability and physicochemical measurements were scaled and assessed, extraction phases were deemed significantly different (pseudo-F = 15.7, p-value < 0.001, alpha = 0.05). When adjusted for pairwise comparisons using the Holm-Bonferroni method, the p-value was still significant (p-value = 0.006). The strong statistical significance is not unexpected, considering the clear separation of groups in Figure 34. Additional sites should be sampled in the future to confirm these findings because the current study has a relatively small sample size and poor independence within treatments.

Are nutrients moving from the field to the outflow?

NMDS was used to identify differences between peatland extraction phases using water electrical conductivity, pH, water temperature, and ammonium and nitrate concentrations (Figure 35.).

Figure 35. NMDS displaying the maximum distance between peatland extraction phase groups for outflow chemistry sampled during the PRS probe installation period. Water chemistry parameters are displayed as vectors. Different colours represent different peat extraction treatments. Ammonium values were log transformed prior to analysis. Nitrate values were below detection limits for all sites and were not included in the analysis. Data were scaled and Euclidean distance was used. Ellipses represent 60% confidence intervals.

Outflow Water Chemistry

Figure 35. shows that natural and extracted appear to be more similar compared to restored sites, despite the clear differences observed with the PRS probes. There was no measured nitrate during the sampling period so it was removed from the NMDS; however, there appears to be a wide range in ammonium values for all extraction phases. This suggests that despite the disturbance, there does not appear to be a major changes to the nitrogen content in the outflow water chemistry when compared to the natural site. In contrast, the restored sites had higher pH and higher electrical conductivity compared to both the natural and extracted phases. Increased pH is likely due to the use of phosphate fertilizer administered during the restoration process. Elevated electrical conductivity may be due to increased water contact with deep peat, which tends to have higher pH and EC values due to its proximity to mineral soil and groundwater containing carbonate minerals.

Outflow & Peat Pore Water Chemistry

Despite elevated rates of nitrate in the older extracted peat fields, here was no nitrate detected at any outflow site, suggesting that there is limited connection between the peat field and the ditch (Figure 36.). As such, it does not appear that nitrate is leaching off site and outflow water chemistry does not appear to be a suitable indicator of in situ nitrogen availability. Figure 36. shows ammonium and nitrate concentrations found in the surface, shallow, and deep peat pore waters in the field, as well as at the outflow for each extraction site. A "combined" section shows the concentrations at the site outlet where the water leaves the site. As seen in the PRS probes, the peat pore waters were elevated in ammonium and nitrate at the mature and complete extracted peatlands. However, the water collected at the outflow had similar concentrations to the natural and restored peatlands. This suggests that although there appears to be increased levels of nitrate and ammonium in the older extracted peatlands, there does not appear to be sufficient hydrologic linkage between the field and the ditch to facilitate leaching.

Figure 36. Heatmap displaying the shallow, deep, and outflow water chemistry for ammonium and nitrate sampled during the PRS probe installation period for each extraction phase. Values in each tile represent the concentration in µg/L. "Combined" represents the outlet leaving the peatland and is representative of the water quality exported to downstream ecosystems.

Seasonal Nitrate Mobility - Seba Beach, AB

Figures 35. & 36. suggest no nitrate is leaching off site at the outflow locations from natural, extracted, and restored peatlands. However, this is inherently misleading when considering seasonal variability. The study was conducted in summer, when vegetation in the natural and restored peatlands are actively taking up nutrients and microbes are active. Available nitrate may be removed from the system during this time and not show up on the PRS probes or in the outflow water chemistry. During periods when vegetation is dormant, nitrate may be freely available to leach off site. Similarly, frozen ground during spring can facilitate overland water flow that moves through nitrate-rich surface peat, resulting in pulses of nitrate following spring melt events. Finally, and most importantly, there were no major rain events that occurred during the PRS sampling period. Nitrate is highly mobile, but the peat pores need to be saturated to facilitate transport from the field to the outflow. Older (mature and complete) extracted sites have significantly higher rates of nitrate in the peat, but there was poor hydrologic connectivity between the peat field and the outflow. Similarly, Proctor (2003) observed increased nitrate during winter months when biologic activity was low and following large rain events.

Figure 37. Top: Precipitation in mm for Seba Beach during the 2021 field season. Bottom: Nitrate concentrations in µg/L sampled at outflows during the 2021 field season for each extraction phase. "MixedMin" and "MixedPeat" represent the outlet leaving the peatland and is representative of the water quality exported to downstream ecosystems. Natural peatland values (green) are underneath "MixedMin" values. Dates are represented as mmm-yy.

When we take into consideration the entire season, the fate of nitrate mobility becomes clearer. Figure 37. shows the nitrate concentrations at the outflow for each extraction phase at Seba Beach during the 2021 field season, paired with the precipitation. In March, when the peat fields are beginning to thaw, we see an initial pulse of nitrate at the extracted and restored peatlands, while the natural site remains low. However, as the season progresses, the outflow concentrations at the restored peatlands and "mixed" outflow locations level off. In contrast, the extracted sites have high nitrate concentrations following major rain events. When you look at the time period associated with the PRS probe installation, there were no rain events larger than ~15 mm, suggesting that the peat field was not hydrologically connected to the ditch and preventing transport of nitrate off-site. It is worth noting that 2021 was exceptionally dry, and the "complete" extracted outflow did not produce any water after the middle of May. The "young" extracted peatland at Avenir showed a slight increase in nitrate in March, but leveled off to below detection limit for the remainder of the season.

What is an Acceptable Nitrate Concentration?

The Canadian drinking water quality guideline for nitrate is 10 000 µg /L as nitrate-nitrogen (Health Canada, 2020), while the guidelines for the protection of aquatic life use 3000 µg /L as nitrate-nitrogen as the upper limit for long-term exposure (CCME, 2012). However, peatlands are natural sources of nitrate, and can frequently export concentrations higher than the CCME guidelines. In their review paper synthesizing chemistry in disturbed and natural peatlands, Bourbonniere (2009) reports that the natural range of nitrate concentrations in Canada found in the literature is between 20 - 1700 µg /L of nitrate for bogs, and 10 - 10 000 µg /L for poor fens. However, they note that the maximum values are considered low and suggest higher values are common. Although the nitrate concentrations in the mature and complete extracted peatlands in this study are higher than the natural site and begin to exceed the CCME guidelines, they remain within safe drinking water guidelines and are well within the natural range found on the landscape. Further, it appears that elevated nitrate concentrations are not detected at the site outflow (Figure 37., "MixedMin"), suggesting that the increased concentration is overwhelmed by low nitrate water, or biological activity consumes available nitrate before it is able to leave the site.

Future Analysis & Take Home Messages

This study is predominantly descriptive, and future work is needed to tease out the nuances associated with each extraction phase. Adding additional water quality parameters, such as phosphorus, dissolved organic carbon, and major ion concentrations will help pinpoint relationships between extraction phases and determine additional risks, if any, to downstream ecosystems. Further understanding of the hydrologic connectivity between the peat field and the outflow is needed. Pairing the measured concentrations with volumetric flow estimates taken during sampling will provide a rough export value which may be critical for putting the total mass of nutrients exported from each extraction phase into context.

Although preliminary, this study shows that there is a clear distinction between extraction phases. As predicted, extracted peatlands had higher surface temperature and nitrogen availability; however, soil moisture and aeration were moderate despite lowered water tables from ditching. Water leaving the extracted sites was similar to the natural site in pH, EC, and nitrogen concentrations during the summer. In contrast, when considering seasonal variability, extracted sites had elevated nitrate concentrations compared to natural sites. Restored peatlands had lower aeration and higher soil moisture compared to the natural peatland as predicted. Nitrogen availability and concentrations were variable between the restored peatlands. While the overall outflow nitrate concentrations were similar to natural peatlands, the electrical conductivity and pH were higher in restored peatlands.

In conclusion, when assessing risk to downstream water bodies, land managers should consider:

  1. The hummocks and hollows in natural peatlands have different physicochemical properties and nitrogen availability. Understanding the range of "natural" values should be taken into consideration when comparing disturbed and undisturbed peatlands.

  2. Older extracted peatlands have higher ammonium and nitrate availability and pose the highest leaching risk; nitrate concentrations at outflow locations following rain events may exceed CCME guidelines, but fall within the Canadian drinking water guidelines.

  3. Hydrologic linkage between the peat field and the outflow is required for nitrate transport from the field to the outflow; understanding when large rain events typically occur and accounting for frozen ground which may facilitate overland flow should be considered.