
Data Tables

The tables below show a simplified view of the raw data used in this analysis. All codes in parentheses () are defined in the caption associated with Table 1. and Table 2.

Table 1. Raw data table showing physicochemical properties and PRS probe values at peat surface soil sites at Seba Beach and Avenir peatlands. Peatland name (CATCH; AVEN - Avenir, SEBA - Seba Beach), peat extraction treatment (EXP; EXT - extraction, NAT - natural, REC - restored), water depth (SURF - surface), surface temperature (TEMPs), temperature 10 cm below ground (TEMPd), depth of ice (DICOMB), depth of rust (DRCOMB), soil moisture in percent volume (PERVOL), peat surface soil ammonium rate in µg / 10 cm2 / 4 weeks (NH4), and peat surface soil nitrate rate in µg / 10 cm2 / 4 weeks (NO3).

Table 2. Raw data table showing outflow water chemistry collected at Seba Beach and Avenir peatlands. Sample site location (SAMPID), peatland name (CATCH; AVEN - Avenir, SEBA - Seba Beach), peat extraction treatment (EXP; EXT - extraction, NAT - natural, REC - recovery, ALL - water from multiple extraction phases), overall site (SITE), water depth (OUT - outflow), sample date (DATESAMP), water chemistry (NH4 - ammonium, NO2_NO3 - nitrite/nitrate, pHt - pH, ECt - electrical conductivity), and water temperature (TEMPt).

The data from the above tables can be interpreted as follows:

Sampling Units

An average of three sets of measurements were used to create 5 individual sample locations (CATCH + EXP + WDEPTH) (Table 1.). There are 45 experimental units, each comprised of 3 pooled samples and characterized as follows:

  • Natural: 20 units - 10 hummock and 10 hollow locations

  • Extracted: 15 units, comprised of "young", "mature", and "complete" peatlands

  • Restored: 10 units, comprised of "unsaturated" and "saturated" peatlands

Please note: for the purpose of this project, each sample location is considered independent even though the actual sample locations are in close proximity and are not considered independent.

Predictor Variables

The peat extraction treatment is a manipulated categorical variable comprised of three classes: natural, extracted, and restored peatlands.

Response Variables

The response variables are:

  • Physicochemical properties (continuous variables, Table 1.)

    • Depth of rust (DRCOMB), depth of ice (DICOMB), soil moisture (PERVOL), surface temperature (TEMPs), and below-ground temperature (TEMPd))

  • PRS nutrient supply rates (continuous variables, Table 1.)

    • Ammonium (NH4) and nitrate (NO3)

  • Water chemistry and temperature values (continuous variables, Table 2.)

    • Ammonium (NH4), nitrite/nitrate (NO2_NO3), pH (pHt) - pH, electrical conductivity (ECt), and water temperature (TEMPt).

Exploratory Graphics

Physicochemical Conditions

Physicochemical conditions were plotted using box plots (Figure 28.) to observe any major outliers or highly skewed data. All conditions appear to be homogeneous and normally distributed with minimal outliers. Data were deemed acceptable and were not transformed. The depth of ice outliers were large, but the high variability of the natural site depth of ice suggests that these outliers may not be due to sampling error. Alternatively, logs or rocks present in the peat profile may have been mistaken for ice, leading to the shallow depth of ice outlier observed.

Figure 28. Box plots showing surface peat physicochemical parameters for each peat extraction treatment. Whiskers indicate the minimum and maximum values not including outliers. Outliers are represented by black dots. (a) Depth of rust observed on a steel rod inserted into the ground, measured in centimeters. Negative values indicate depth below ground surface where rust was observed. Increasing negativity indicates deeper aerobic soil conditions. (b) Depth of ice below ground. Negative values indicate depth below ground surface where ice was detected using a steel rod. (c) Surface temperature measured in degrees Celsius. (d) Temperature 10 cm below the ground surface measured in degrees Celsius. (e) Soil moisture measured in percent volume. High values indicate saturated soil conditions.

PRS Nutrient Supply Rates

PRS nutrient supply rates were plotted using boxplots (Figure 29.) to observe any major outliers or highly skewed data. Both ammonium and nitrate values were highly skewed, with high values observed at the extracted sites and values below or slightly above the detection limit. Data were log transformed (Figure 30.). Transformed ammonium values were more evenly distributed, and nitrate values were moderately improved (Figure 30. a & b).

Figure 29. Box plots showing ammonium and nitrate for each peat extraction treatment. Whiskers indicate the minimum and maximum values not including outliers. (a) Ammonium measured in µg per 10 cm2 over 4 weeks. (b) Nitrate measured in µg per 10 cm2 over 4 weeks.

Figure 30. Box plots showing ammonium and nitrate for each peat extraction treatment. Whiskers indicate the minimum and maximum values not including outliers. (a) Ammonium measured in µg per 10 cm2 over 4 weeks. (b) Nitrate measured in µg per 10 cm2 over 4 weeks.

Outflow Chemistry

Water chemistry concentrations were plotted using boxplots (Figure 30. & 31.) to observe any major outliers or highly skewed data. Nitrate values were below detection limits for all sites during the PRS installation period (Figure 30.b). For ammonium concentrations, there was one large outlier present in the restored site (Figure 30.a). Ammonium values were plotted again using log transformed data with the outlier removed (Figure 31). The distribution around the median was more uniform with the log transformed data. Therefore, log transformed values were selected for use in subsequent visualizations. Outflow values for natural (Avenir) and extracted (complete) were not collected because there was no water present during the sampling period.

Figure 31. Box plots showing ammonium and nitrate for each peat extraction treatment. Whiskers indicate the minimum and maximum values not including outliers. (a) Ammonium measured in µg per liter. (b) Nitrate concentrations were below detection limits for all locations during the PRS sampling period.

Figure 32. Box plot showing manipulated ammonium concentrations for each peat extraction treatment. Whiskers indicate the minimum and maximum values not including outliers. Ammonium values log transformed and outlier has been removed.