Preceptor's Expectations

Preceptor's Expectations

In this section, you will find points of discussion for your student in your initial meetings. This will help build a trusting relationship and prepare the student for goal setting and developing a learning plan.

Let the student know:

  • Brief appropriate information about yourself (your experience, a little about yourself)
  • That you remember how challenging it is to be a learner and to be "new" to an area
  • What your role with them will be and how long it will last
  • Assignments: Discuss what student is expected to complete for the preceptorship program
  • Evaluation: observation / written / electronic
  • Goals & objectives of clinical placement
  • Sick /Absence: who to contact and process for makeup hours
  • Learning expectations: possible learning experiences desired
  • Patient assignment expectations: initial /midterm/final
  • Reliability and timeliness: beginning and end of shift report and procedures
  • Safety Check (I.e. certifications, IV starts, telemetry etc.)