
Orientation Checklist

In this section, you will find a checklist of things to discuss with your student in your initial meetings. This will help set the stage for a successful preceptorship.

  • Decide on a start date/shift and meeting area.
  • Exchange contact information.
  • Access/familiarity to equipment: i.e. PYXIS, VAX, information technology (Tandem access), Smart pumps, Glucometer, unit entry for closed units, unit resources, procedure/policy manuals (print and online), etc.
  • Accountability: protocol for leaving patient care area/unit i.e. staff breaks, meetings, etc.
  • Charting: review of unit guidelines, chart documents
  • Communication: patient shift report practices, computer usage, and social media
  • Emergency Response Codes
  • Goals of Care: designations/protocols
  • Infection Precautions and Control: (includes Personal protective Equipment)
  • Introductions to: unit manager, educators, nurse practitioner, unit allied staff, interdisciplinary health team members
  • Medications: review unit guidelines, safe administration, and location/storage of unit/patient specific medications
  • Physical unit Environment: orientate to unit i.e. ER cart, fire equipment, exchange carts, etc.
  • Privacy and Security (RLS): reporting adverse events, close calls and hazards
  • Roles and Responsibilities: review preceptor, student, instructor expectations/documentation procedures for student evaluations
  • Safety Checks: student required certifications current
  • Relevant policy and Procedures