
When: every summer semester

Content: Design of linear feedback control systems for command-following error, stability, and dynamic response specifications. PID, Root-locus, frequency response and design techniques. An introduction to structural design limitations. Examples emphasizing Mechanical Engineering systems. Some use of computer aided design with MATLAB/Simulink. Controls Lab - control of mechanical systems

Taught: Summer 2023

When: every winter semester

Content: Introduction to theoretical and technical aspects of robot perception. Topics may include autonomous navigation, accurate localization, state estimation, and motion planning for robot and vehicle applications. Deep learning based visual feature detection and classification, various actuation systems for path tracking and stabilization in autonomous driving, Safety of the Intended Functionality and health monitoring of the control loop in automated driving will also be covered.

Taught: Winter 2023, Winter 2024

Previously offered

University of Waterloo, Department of Mechanical & Mechatronics Eng., 2016-2021

Qazvin Azad University, Department of Mechanical Eng. (and Mechatronics Research Lab), Iran, 2008-2012