Publications & Scholarly Presentations


Sidhu, D., Athanasopoulou, A., Archer, S. L., Czarnecki, N., Curtin, S., & Pexman, P. M. (2022 accepted). The Maluma/takete Effect Is Late: No Longitudinal Evidence for Shape Sound Symbolism in the First Year. Plos One.

Archer, S.L., Czarnecki, N., & Curtin, S. (2021). Boosting the input: 9-month-olds' sensitivity to low frequency phonotactic patterns in novel wordforms. Infancy, 26(5), 745-755. [pdf]


Archer, S.L., & Curtin S. (2018).  Fourteen-month-olds’ sensitivity to acoustic salience in minimal pair word learning. Journal of Child Language, 45, 1198-1211. [pdf]


Archer, S.L., & Curtin. S. (2016). Nine-month-olds use frequency of onset clusters to segment novel words. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 148, 131-141. [pdf]


Archer, S.L., Zamuner, T., Engel, K., Fais, L., & Curtin, S. (2016). Infants’ discrimination of consonants: interplay between word position and acoustic saliency. Language Learning and Development, 12(1), 60-78. [pdf]


Archer, S.L., Ference, J., & Curtin, S. (2014).  Now you hear it: 14-month-olds succeed at learning minimal pairs in stressed syllables.  Journal of Cognition and Development, 15(1), 110-122. [pdf]


MacKenzie, H.K., Graham, S.G., Curtin, S., & Archer, S.L. (2014). The flexibility of 12-month-olds’ preferences for phonologically appropriate object labels.  Developmental Psychology, 50(2), 422-430. [pdf]


Archer, S.L. & Curtin, S. (2011).  Perceiving onset clusters in infancy.  Infant Behavior and Development, 4, 534-540. [pdf]



Conference Proceedings


Archer, S.L., Curtin, S., & Polka, L. (2013). Effects of acoustic variability on infant speech perception. Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics (21st International Congress on Acoustics and 165th Acoustical Society of America Meeting). Montreal, Canada, June. [pdf]


Engel, K., Archer, S.L., & Curtin, S. (2013). The effects of voicing and position in infants’ perception of coda consonants.  Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics (21st International Congress on Acoustics and 165th Acoustical Society of America Meeting). Montreal, Canada, June. [pdf]


Book Chapters

Curtin, S. & Archer, S.L. (2015). Speech Perception. In Bavin, E. (Ed.), The Cambridge University Press Handbook of Child Language (2nd edition). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

In Preparation

 Archer, S.L., Curtin, S., & Polka, L. (in prep). English and French 9-month-olds discrimination of phonotactics onsets.

Scholarly Presentations

*denotes student co-author

Archer, S.L., *Li, J., *Tu, R., *Yaceyko, T., Duffy, H., McGillion, M., Kita, S. (2022 October 11-14) Analyzing acoustic and lexical words across dialects of English child-directed speech. Poster presentation for the International Conference on the Mental Lexicon (MenLex2022). St. Catharines, Canada, October.

Archer, S.L., Curtin, S., & Polka, L. (2022 July 7-10) 9-month-old English and French infants’ discrimination of complex onsets. Poster presentation for the International Conference of Infant Studies (ICIS). Ottawa, Canada. 

*Li, J., *Tu, R., *Yaceyko, T., Duffy, H., Kita, S., & Archer, S.L. (2021 November 6) Do mothers’ speech differently when a word is new? Investigating prosodic features of infant-directed speech across English dialects. Oral presentation for the Alberta Conference on Linguistics (ACOL). Edmonton, Canada.

*Tu, R., *Yaceyko, T., *Li, J., Archer, S.L., Duffy, H., & Kita, S. (2021 August 25-27) Differences in acoustics and lexical items across dialects of English infant-directed speech. Poster presentation for the 6th Lancaster International Conference on Infant and Early Child Development (LCICD 2021). Lancaster, UK. [video, poster]

Archer, S.L., Czarnecki, N., & Curtin, S. (2021 June 17-18) Infants' word segmentation of low statistical frequency in onset phonotactics. Poster presentation for the Canadian Society for Brain, Behaviour, and Cognitive Science Annual Meeting 2021, Montreal, Canada. [video, poster, handout]

*Yaceyko, T. & Archer, S.L. (2020 October 16-18) Differences in specific characteristics across dialects of English infant-directed speech. WoW International Conference. St. Catharines, Canada. [video]

*Galloway, M., Archer, S.L., Duffy, H., & Kita, S. (2020 July 6-9). Does mothers’ speech to infants emphasize target words based on familiarity? [Poster session cancelled]. International Conference of Infant Studies. Glasgow, UK.

Archer, S.L., Curtin, S., & Czarnecki, N. (2020 July 6-9). Low statistical frequency of onset clusters in infant word segmentation. Poster presentation for the International Conference of Infant Studies. Glasgow, UK. [video, poster, handout]

Archer, S.L., Curtin, S., & Mihalicz, P. (2020 July 6-9). 12-month-olds acquired distinctiveness bolsters coda contrasts. Poster presentation for the International Conference of Infant Studies. Glasgow, UK. [video, poster]

Athanasopoulou, A., Sidhu, D., Czarnecki, N., Archer, S.L., Curtin, S., & Pexman, P. (2020 July 6-9). Tracking the development of shape sound symbolism in the first year of life. Poster presentation for the International Conference of Infant Studies. Glasgow, UK.

Archer, S.L., *Galloway, M., *Bao, W., Duffy, H., & Kita, S. (2019). Do mothers prefer monkeys over nembees? Oral presentation for Acoustic Week in Canada. Edmonton, Canada, October.

Athanasopoulou, A., Sidhu, D., Archer, S.L., Curtin, S., & Pexman, P.M. (2018). The origins of sound symbolism. Oral presentation for the International Conference on the Mental Lexicon (MenLex2018). Edmonton, Canada, September.

Sidhu, D.M., Athanasopoulou, A., Archer, S.L., Curtin, S., & Pexman, P.M. (2018). Investigating infant sensitivity to sound symbolism. Oral presentation for the Annual Meeting of the Psychonomics Society. New Orleans, USA, November.

Kita, S., Archer, S.L., Saji, N., & Imai, M. (2017). Sound symbolism bootstraps development: Studies on infant word learning and on parental input. Oral presentation for the 14th International Congress for the Study of Child Language. Lyon, France, July.

Archer, S.L. & Kita, S. (2017). Sound symbolism in development: Two possible influences in word learning. Symposium talk presentation at the 2017 Canadian Society for Brain, Behaviour and Cognitive Science Meeting. Regina, Canada, June.

Archer, S.L. & Kita, S. (2017). Sound symbolism influences mapping of arbitrary word-object pairs. Poster presentation at the 2017 Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting. Austin, USA, April. [poster]

Archer, S.L. (2016). Infants track statistical regularities in speech: but how do we learn what they learn? Lightning Talk presentation at the 1st Annual Conference on Child Language Acquisition Research in Alberta.

Archer, S.L., Curtin, S., & Polka. L. (2016). Acoustic factors drive 9-month-old English and French infants’ discrimination of speech sound contrasts. Poster presentation at the 2016 International Conference of Infant Studies, New Orleans, USA, May. [poster]

Archer, S.L. & Kita, S. (2016). Does the presence of sound symbolic words boost learning of non-sound symbolic words? Poster presentation at the 2016 International Conference of Infant Studies, New Orleans, USA, May. 

Duffy, H., Archer, S.L., & Kita, S. (2015). Cross-dialectal differences in English Infant Directed Speech. Oral  presentation at the 2015 Child Language Symposium. Coventry, UK, July.

 Archer, S.L., Ference, J., Mihalicz, P., & Curtin, S. (2015). 14-month-olds’ representations include word-initial unstressed syllables. Poster presentation at the 2015 Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting.  Philadelphia, USA, March.

Archer, S.L. & Curtin, S. (2014). Statistical frequency of stop-liquid onset clusters in infant word segmentation. Poster presentation at the 2014 International Conference of Infant Studies, Berlin, Germany, July.

Engel, K., Archer, S.L., & Curtin, S. (2013). 12-month-olds' ability to perceive coda consonants: Effects of position and voicing.  Poster presentation at the 2013 Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting.  Seattle, USA, April.

Archer, S.L. (2013).  Infant perception of phonotactics: The roles of statistical frequency and acoustic salience.  Invited talk for the Theoretical & Experimental Innovations in Bilingualism Research series at the Language Resource Center, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada, February.

Curtin, S., & Archer, S.L. (2013). I said wabbit not wabbit. Toddlers’ acquisition of liquids. Invited talk for the Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience Conference, University of Arizona, Tucson, USA, January.

Archer, S.L. & Curtin, S.  (2013).  Phonotactic legality of onsets in word segmentation.  Poster presentation at the 87th Annual meeting of the Linguistic Society of America.  Boston, USA, January. 

Polka, L. & Archer, S.L.  (2012).  Navigating two languages in infancy. Oral presentation at the Bilingualism and Neurocognitive Change over the Lifespan Workshop offered through the Center for Research on Brain, Language, and Music at McGill University.  Montreal, Canada, October.

Archer, S.L. & Curtin, S.  (2012).  The influence of acoustic salience on 14-month-olds’ ability to learn minimal pairs.  Poster presentation at XVIII Biennial International Conference on Infant Studies.  Minneapolis, USA, June.

Archer, S.L. & Curtin, S.  (2012).  Acoustic salience influences 14-month-olds’ ability to learn minimal pairs.  Oral presentation at the 86th Annual meeting of the Linguistic Society of America.  Portland, USA, January.

Archer, S.L. & Curtin, S.  (2011).  Acoustic variability affects asymmetry in infant speech discrimination.  Poster presentation at the 162nd Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America.  San Diego, USA, October.

Archer, S.L. & Curtin, S.L. (2011).  Infants’ discrimination of attested and unattested stop-liquid onset clusters.  Poster presentation at the 2011 Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting.  Montreal, Canada, April.

Curtin, S., Archer, S.L., & Ference, J.  (2011).  Word stress facilitates detection of minimal contrasts.  Oral presentation at the Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting.  Montreal, Canada, April.

Archer, S.L. & Curtin, S.L. (2011).  Infants’ discrimination of attested and unattested stop-liquid onset clusters.  Poster presentation at the 85th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America.  Pittsburgh, USA, January.

Archer, S.L. & Curtin, S.L. (2008).  Infant perception of language specific onset phonotactics.  Poster presentation at the XVIth International Conference on Infant Studies.  Vancouver, Canada, March.

Archer, S.L. & Curtin, S.L. (2008).  Infant perception of language specific onset phonotactics.  Oral presentation at the 34th Boston University Conference on Language Development.  Boston, USA, October.

Archer, S.L. & Curtin, S.L. (2008).  Infant perception of language specific onset phonotactics.  Oral presentation at the Alberta Conference on Linguistics.  Banff, Canada, September.