Current Research

Below are our current or up-and-coming studies!

We are looking for Canadian mothers* of 18- to 24-month-old infants who primarily speak English to their child. 

Our study focuses on two dialects of English. Specifically, Canadian English and West Midlands English in the UK. We have already finished our UK phase of the study, and we are currently looking for Canadian mothers with children between the ages of 18- to 24-months. We are interested in finding out whether English-speaking Canadian and UK mothers use the same characteristics in their child-directed speech.

*This study is specifically for mothers. Fathers are not included only because the variability of vocal pitch. Other studies include any caregiver.  

2. Project: Shapes and Sounds

We are looking for monolingual English families of 14- to 16-month-old infants.

3. Project: Boosting the input (on hiatus)

We found that 9-month-olds know the difference between two speech sounds - but not always. 

Many researchers have found that, over time and depending on the category of speech sounds (vowels, consonants), infants start to focus on their native language while they lose speech sounds that they don't use.

Our study tested French and English 9-month-olds. We found that when the infants were presented with the stimuli (/bla/, /gla/, /dla/), they were able to hear the difference between /bla/ and /dla/. However, that wasn't the case for /gla/ and /dla/. We are still working on why there is a difference between /gla/ and /dla/.

If you are interested in participating in our studies you can get involved by emailing or signing up for the ChIRP database.