Bylaw 100


  1. International Students:​ Students currently holding a valid study permit and/or paying the international student's fees at the University of Alberta.

  2. Domestic Students​: Students who do not hold a valid study permit and/or are not paying international students’ fees.

  3. Council​s: The graduate and undergraduate Councils of the International Students’ Association.

  4. ISA’s Graduate Council: The graduate council of ISA comprises elected representatives of all international graduate students and ISA Board members.

  5. ISA’s Undergraduate Council: The undergraduate council of ISA comprises elected representatives of all international undergraduate students and ISA Board members.

  6. Graduate Chancellor: ​The speaker of the ISA’s Graduate Council and its representative in the ISA Board.

  7. Undergraduate Chancellor: The speaker of the ISA’s undergraduate Council and its representative in the ISA Board.

  8. ISA Board or Board: The Executive Committee of the International Students’ Association (ISA). It comprises,

    1. the President of the ISA;

    2. the Vice Presidents of the ISA;

    3. the Chancellors of the Councils;

  9. Internal Member: Any graduate or undergraduate general member who is a part of the ISA by being a member of the board, council, or departments shall be referred to as an internal member. The Board shall also make/classify any general member as an internal member at its discretion.

  10. Student Groups​: Student groups that are currently registered with the Student Group Services (SGS) within the University of Alberta.

  11. Bad Standing: A classification for a member of ISA, that shall be found in gross negligence of its duties, misuse of title/power, fraud, or any other unethical activity.

  12. Joint Candidates: Two candidates jointly fulfilling the role/mandate of one (1) executive position.

  13. Political policies: It shall be defined as statements of the principle set out by the Councils that direct the board in its advocacy efforts. They set out the formal position of the ISA on the political issues of the day. It then becomes the job of the board to implement the political policies as they best see fit.

  14. Student Representative Association (SRA): Any association of undergraduate students that represents a definable and enumerable constituency, to which the University of Alberta’s Students’ Council exclusively delegates its representative authority.

  15. Regional/Cultural Associations: Student groups whose members are students from a specific country or region in the world or shall be focused on a region or country, outside of Canada.

  16. Affiliated Student Groups/Clubs: Any student group/club that shall be recognized by the ISA as an affiliated student group/club.

  17. Delegate​: An individual delegated by another external association to the Councils.

  18. Councillor: A general member elected to serve with voting right in the ISA-U and ISA G.

  19. ISA Legislature: Bylaws of ISA: used to govern the framework/operations of ISA.

  20. Budget: A detailed analysis of the expenses for a fiscal year.

  21. Guests: An individual, who registers or is the default participant of a meeting. The Guests have the right to speak as per the standing orders but do not have the right to vote.

  22. Reimbursements: A payment made by the ISA to a member to compensate for an ISA-related expense they made from their account.

  23. First Principle: A motion to initiate an amendment of the bylaws, this motion shall have the scope, need, purpose, and outcome of the proposed amendment. Actual bylaws need not be presented but rather the general idea.

  24. Second Principle: A motion after passing of the first principle that shall have the amended bylaws with new words being underlined and removed words being struck. This motion shall reflect exactly the way bylaws shall look after the amendment being made.

  25. Impeachment Motion: A motion that shall be used for the impeachment of any ISA Executive. The impeachment motion shall be prepared as per the impeachment procedure as decided by the ISA Council.

  26. Trimester: A system divides the academic year into three sessions: fall, winter, and spring/summer.

  27. C.R.O.​: Chief Returning Officer of the ISA.

  28. D.R.O.:​ A Deputy Returning Officer of the ISA.

  29. Simple Majority​: 50% of the votes plus one, rounded down (e.g.: 8 out of 15) of the votes cast with abstentions considered as not cast. Unless a specific majority class is defined for a decision/motion, the simple majority is considered as the default required majority class.

  30. Substantive Majority​: two-thirds of the votes, rounded up (e.g.: 14 out of 20) of the votes cast with abstentions considered as not cast.

  31. Quorum: The minimum number of members needed to call a council meeting or the ISA Board meeting.