Bylaw 600

Bylaw 600 – A Bylaw respecting Executives

  1. Mandate

    1. The Executives of the ISA shall be the directors and officers of the ISA as per the Societies Act.

    2. The Executives of the ISA shall manage all the affairs and operations of the ISA as per the direction of the Board and under the supervision of the Councils.

    3. The executives cannot be held individually legally liable for any action that they conduct as Executives of the ISA with the approval of the board. The ISA shall be liable and responsible for all such legal proceedings along with the cost or fines arising due to legal proceedings.

  1. The Executives and their Duties

    1. President

      1. Shall be the primary spokesperson and representative of the ISA, its councils, and the international students.

      2. Shall lead the ISA and advocate for the international students while ensuring the continuity of the ISA and its best interests as an organization.

      3. Shall assign duties/responsibilities and oversight of the Vice Presidents while ensuring that the ISA’s overall strategic plans are implemented, and legislatures safeguarded.

      4. Shall ensure effective transition of ISA Executives every year.

      5. Shall have the signing authority on behalf of ISA on all financial matters along with Vice President Finance.

    2. Vice President Academic

      1. Act as an advocate to address issues pertaining to international students’ academic interests and be responsible for planning, coordinating, and executing academic/professional development events and initiatives of the ISA.

    3. Vice President Communications

      1. Responsible for developing and implementing communications goals and strategies of the ISA.

      2. Shall manage and be responsible for the public student side image of the ISA by managing the social media platforms and the website.

    4. Vice President External

      1. Shall be the secondary spokesperson of the ISA and shall handle all relations with external organizations on behalf of the ISA.

      2. Shall be responsible for ISA’s advocacy effort and lobbying strategies.

    5. Vice President Finance and Marketing

      1. Shall be responsible for managing all the financial affairs of the ISA.

      2. Shall have the singing authority on all financial transactions along with the President. Shall be responsible for auditing and ensuring the good financial standing of the organization.

    6. Vice President Graduate Affairs

      1. Shall advocate addressing issues pertaining to international graduate students’ interests.

      2. Shall be the ISA’s spokesperson on international graduate students’ specific issues or matters.

    7. Vice President Internal

      1. Shall be responsible for the internal functioning of the ISA.

      2. Shall be responsible for all asset management and for the implementation of all the procedures and protocols of the ISA.

      3. Shall manage the student services provided by the ISA and ensure the overall success of the various student welfare programs of the ISA.

      4. Shall provide the required assistance to the Hearing Board or Election Office as required.

    8. Vice President Student Life

      1. Shall be responsible for organizing and managing the events for international students on the campus.

      2. Shall develop strategies and ensure all student engagement activities of the ISA along with advocating for international students’ better university experience.