Bylaw 100

Bylaw 100 - A Bylaw Respecting Preamble (Mission, Vision, and Values), Name, and Compliance.

  1. ISA's mission, vision, and value statement

ISA Mission (What we do)

Our Mission is to serve, represent and advocate for the interests of the international students at the University of Alberta. The ISA shall advocate at the university, municipal, provisional and federal level. We provide services and programs that foster a sense of community and are aligned with student interests by being inclusive and equitable. We stand by the students and be their voice.

ISA Vision (Where we are going)

Our vision is to amplify the voice of the international students in an independent and fair manner. We act to serve and grow as an organization by being more self-reliant in our advocacy and operations. We empower international student leaders to be the change they want to see in their society and aim at representing the diverse prospects of our community.

ISA Values (What guides us)

  1. Be honest, transparent, maintain integrity, and act with principles of open governance.

  2. Create a safe, inclusive, and equitable environment.

  3. Be strong, optimistic, united, and always go an extra mile for our membership.

  4. Have an open mind to new ideas and always respect diverse opinions/prospects.

  5. Act with consideration of the long-term impact of our actions, and their consequences in the coming years.

  6. Learn, grow, and improve from every incident and aim at passing our experiences to future leaders.

  7. Build long-term programs and services that aim at serving the wider student body over time.

  8. Invest time and resources where more students benefit rather than few.

  9. Do what's right and not what's easy to do!

  10. Foster relationships on campus and the wider community with respect, mutual understanding, and integrity.

  1. Name

      1. The name of the student association shall be the “University of Alberta International Students’ Association”, hereafter referred to as the “UAISA or ISA”.

      2. The ISA shall consist of the ISA’s Graduate Council, the ISA’s Undergraduate Council, and the ISA Board.

  1. Compliance

      1. The ISA operates at the University of Alberta and is subject to the University of Alberta’s policies and practices. The ISA shall also comply with all municipal, provincial, and federal laws and procedures. The ISA shall be registered as a Society under the Societies Act of Alberta.

      2. ISA shall be registered as a Student Representative Association (SRA) with the University of Alberta Students’ Union (UASU) and shall be bound to its bylaws and political standings.