599 Public Law & Practice (Stam)


Public Law and Practice


Prerequisite courses:

Prerequisite for:

Instructor(s): David Stam

Method of presentation: Lecture


As in previous years, one 100% final exam, with a copy of the course syllabus permitted in the examination.


On an ever-increasing basis the rights and responsibilities of individuals in our society are defined by the operations of various levels of government.

This course will focus particularly on the role of government-municipal, provincial and federal-in the litigation process, both from a substantive and procedural perspective. It has been designed for anyone contemplating the potential of a legal career within the Federal or a Provincial public service, as well as those who anticipate being employed with law firms actively engaged in litigation against various levels of government.

The lectures will include discussions regarding the special legislative provisions various levels of government must adhere to that are similar to those of private litigants, and those which are distinct. Does government enjoy some advantages? What remedies are unique to “the crown”, and what special rights do individuals have against it? How are legal proceedings involving various levels of government different from private actions? In short, the role of government in legal practice and procedure will be examined.

In addition, discussions involving the role of privacy and access legislation and other unique statutory enactments (i.e., the Municipal Government Act, the Federal Court Act, etc.) will also occur, allowing the student to grasp the basics of the material to be addressed when "taking on the crown" or "fighting city hall".


Description updated 2022-23. Please contact the instructor for any specific questions you may have related to this particular course section.

Designed for those students contemplating a career in either the Provincial or federal public service or in some other public sector entity.