BC Breath of Life Institute

(2016-2017, Co-organized w/ Patricia A. Shaw & Daisy Rosenblum)

Project Description

The BC Breath of Life Archival Institute for First Nations Languages provided an opportunity for First Nations community language workers in BC to participate in a week-long Institute at the University of British Columbia between May 14-20, 2017, for the reclamation and revitalization of BC First Nations languages. The first-ever of its type in Canada, the Institute brought together speakers and linguists to work on locating and mobilizing archival materials at UBC. See the BC Breath of Life website for further details: https://bcbreathoflife.arts.ubc.ca/


  • BC Breath of Life Archival Institute for First Nations Languages. SSHRC Connection Grant. PI: Patricia A. Shaw. Co-PIs: Daisy Rosenblum & Jorge Emilio Rosés Labrada. Amount: $25,000 CAD, 2017

  • BC Breath of Life Archival Institute for First Nations Languages. Faculty of Arts, Workshop & Visiting Speaker Grant, HSS Research Fund. PI: Patricia A. Shaw. Co-PIs: Daisy Rosenblum & Jorge Emilio Rosés Labrada. Amount: $2,000 CAD, 2017

  • BC Breath of Life Archival Institute for First Nations Languages. UBC’s Hampton Co-founding Program. PI: Patricia A. Shaw. Co-PIs: Daisy Rosenblum & Jorge Emilio Rosés Labrada. Amount: $3,000 CAD, 2017