
Doug Gleddie

Doug is a husband and father who also happens to be a Professor in the Faculty of Education at the University of Alberta. He teaches physical education curriculum and pedagogy to undergraduate students. He also teaches graduate courses in health and physical education, reflective practice, physical literacy and research methods. Dr. Gleddie’s research foci include: narratives of physical education; school sport; physical literacy praxis; meaningful physical education and; teacher education. Doug teaches EDEL 595 - Knowing and Being: Foundations of HPE & EDEL 573 - Practitioner Research in Education.

Lauren Sulz

Lauren is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Education at the University of Alberta. She teaches physical and health education curriculum and pedagogy undergraduate courses. At the graduate level, Lauren teaches courses in whole-child education and development and whole-school approaches to student health. Lauren's research includes school sport and school-based physical activity, whole-child education, and comprehensive school health. She has two young children who inspire her work at the university. Lauren teaches  EDEL 595 - Physical and Health Literacy & EDEL 595 Research to Practice.

Hayley Morrison

Hayley is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Education at the University of Alberta. She researches inclusive physical education and professional development. Her work is focused on supporting teachers and educational assistants to include students with disabilities in physical education class. Hayley has a passion for dance and is known for her stellar 'worm' that makes an appearance in unexpected situations. She loves spending her time exploring the outdoors and playing sports like slo-pitch, volleyball, and soccer.  Hayley teaches  EDEL 567 - Introduction to Educational Research & EDEL 595 - Inclusive HPE.

Jodi Harding-Kuriger

Jodi is an Assistant Lecturer in the Faculty of Education at the University of Alberta. Wife, Mom, HPE educator, and researcher prioritizing Meaningful PE and Research as Service. Enjoying a country lifestyle with my family. Dedicated to lifelong learning through the University of Alberta, the Alberta Health & Physical Education Council (HPEC), AIESEP, & Ever Active Schools. Looking forward to learning alongside you all.

Tim Fletcher

Tim is a physical education teacher educator at Brock University, teaching undergraduate students in physical education pedagogy and reflective practice. His research interests are in being and becoming a teacher, and pedagogical innovations. With Déirdre Ní Chróinín he developed the Learning About Meaningful Physical Education project, which involves the development of pedagogies to support how teachers and teachers can prioritize meaningful experiences for learners. This project has expanded to include many other international collaborators from schools and universities. He is also interested in the use of self-study of practice methodology. Tim is often seen on the sidelines of fields, gyms, dojos or courts supporting or coaching his kids, or running behind his wife. Tim co-teaches EDEL 595 - Meaningful Physical Education.

Shannon Kell

Shannon is an Assistant Professor in the Health and Physical Education Department at Mount Royal University in Calgary, AB. She teaches undergraduate courses in Physical Literacy, Outdoor Leadership, as well as 'Teaching Elementary Physical Education' in the Department of Education. She is also  Alberta's representative on PHE Canada's Board of Directors. Shannon's research focuses on the use of solo time in the outdoors as a healthy practice for school, post-secondary, and work-place stress management and sustainable well-being. She also works alongside campus facility planners to reconsider physical spaces and learn about how our environments impact health. Shannon has a husband, dog, and two young children to keep her busy, outside, and active every day of the week. Shannon teaches EDEL 595 - Taking Wellbeing Outside.

Lori Munro-Sigfridson

Lori is the Active Healthy Living (AHL) Consultant for the Tri-County Regional Centre for Education in Yarmouth, Nova Scotia. She supports 23 schools to provide quality physical and health education programs as well as health promoting schools initiatives.  Lori’s passion for adaptive and inclusive education led her to develop the first integrated adaptive physical education program in Nova Scotia. She has been co-chair of the Tri-County Regional Centre for Education' s Health Promoting Schools Initiative, involved in HPS research and publications, facilitated numerous workshops/ presentations and taught graduate courses for St. Francis Xavier University. Lori is a past President of Physical and Health Education Canada and has taught EDEL 595 - Health Promoting Schools.

Déirdre Ní Chróinín

Déirdre Ní Chróinín is a physical education teacher educator at the primary level in the Department of Arts Education and Physical Education, Mary Immaculate College in Ireland. A focus on quality of experience is the common thread throughout her twenty years of research in physical education and teacher education.  Her current research, along with Tim Fletcher, is focused on the promotion of meaningful experiences for children and young people in sport and physical activity settings.  Déirdre co-teaches EDEL 595 - Meaningful Physical Education.

Lisa Taylor

Lisa is a PhD Candidate at the Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary, and has taught undergraduate- and graduate-level physical and health education (PHE) courses at a number of universities including the University of Calgary, Mount Royal University, and Memorial University of Newfoundland. Prior to teaching at the post-secondary level, Lisa enjoyed eight years teaching grades one through twelve PHE and successfully launched and led comprehensive school health teams within two schools. Currently, Lisa is researching teacher health and well-being during the pandemic, as well as post-secondary pedagogy for Comprehensive School Health. Lisa is also the editor of the Runner: The Journal of the Health and Physical Education Council of the Alberta Teachers’ Association.