Meet Cassandra P.

Member Experience Specialist & Happiness Advocate
Work Nicer Coworking

Winter 2021 (4 Month Term)

"Arts Work Experience has given me the opportunity to utilize my degree in a unique way. In my position at Work Nicer I facilitate member programming, as well as leading both member onboarding and offboarding sessions. I am currently taking on our Member Stories project where we will interview and feature members within the Work Nicer community. On a daily basis I also assist with administration, sales, and operations projects.

Work Nicer Coworking is a community that highly values a positive member experience and it is my main focus to support this. A wonderful aspect of this position is that I am working for and with entrepreneurs every day. I work physically at the Edmonton location and connect virtually with the Calgary team through platforms like Slack and Zoom.

The advice I would give to new or potential AWE students is to look outside of the conventional job opportunities typically available for your program of study. For example, it may seem hard to connect a history degree with a member experience position in a Coworking startup but at its core I am utilizing the aspects of what I love most about studying history. I am constantly researching, writing, interacting with some amazing people, and collecting the stories of member's entrepreneurial journeys. I would encourage Arts students to look at Intern positions within startups because you are able to gain a wide range of experience, witness how much a business drastically changes as it grows, and gain insight on the pains and successes of the entrepreneurial lifestyle." 

Cassandra Pryer is a Honors History student with a minor in Sociology and a certificate in International Learning. She currently works as a Member Experience Specialist and Happiness Advocate at Work Nicer Coworking.