Create an "Elevator Pitch"

For many, networking can feel like a stressful part of growth and career development. One way to gain confidence in your networking skills is to create an ‘elevator pitch’; a brief, well-practised introduction to who you are and what you’re about. Much like a bio on your social media, you can craft an introduction to share when you meet new people that is designed to highlight your interests, skills and strengths while also eliciting follow-up questions from your new contact. 

Crafting Your Elevator Pitch:

Example Elevator Pitch:

Hi, my name is ____ and I’m studying ____ at the University of Alberta. Throughout my academic journey, I’ve loved learning about [mention relevant coursework] and explored fascinating insights into [mention a topic or study you’ve found particularly interesting]. I’ve also honed my skills in [mention any specific skills you possess] and I’m starting to look towards my future goals of [discuss future career or academic goals]. I’m passionate about [highlight why you are interested in certain areas of study or careers and if you can, provide a brief insight into why or where that passion has arisen from]. I’m excited to be building my network and connecting with other like-minded professionals. I’d love to learn more about your journey, could we exchange contact information or connect on LinkedIn?

Tips for a Top Floor Elevator Pitch:

Creating a compelling elevator pitch you feel comfortable saying to new connections can help calm any nerves you may have so you can maximize networking opportunities. Your pitch is your key to building meaningful connections that can shape your future. So, get practicing, and open the doors to endless possibilities.