Use a Word Cloud to Write Your Resume!

Crafting tailored resumes for each job application can be challenging and even overwhelming at times but we’ve got a strategy to simplify the process.

Enter the Word Cloud Generator:  an online tool that creates visual word clouds. The words' sizes reflect their frequency in a document of your choosing, helping you spot essential keywords. Try it on your resume to see how often you use specific keywords. We tried it using one of our Work Experience Coordinator’s resumes:

But here's the game-changer: copy and paste a job description into the Word Cloud Generator, and identify keywords used throughout the posting. The more a word is used, the more important it likely is for the employer, and you can use it to align your resume with the specific role's language and expectations.

While this approach doesn't replace customization of your work search documents or tell you everything you need to know about a role, it can help identify key terms to use in your resume or job hunt. Not only can this tool save you time and help you better target your resume, but you can also use it to research your career goals and reveal industry-specific keywords or education, guiding your career development for future opportunities.