Aboriginal Mentoring Project

The Alberta ACADRE Network, Big Sisters and Big Brothers of Edmonton (BSBB), and Community-University Partnerships (U of A) partnered in conducting a preliminary investigation into the development of mentoring programs for Aboriginal children and youth. BSBB wanted suggestions about how such programs could be designed, structured, and supported so future programs would be meaningful to communities. The multidisciplinary research team included researchers from Human Ecology, Education and the Community-University Partnerships office as well as graduate and undergraduate students. The findings of this research project informed the development of four pilot projects in partnership with Alberta Mentoring Partnership, BBBS of Edmonton, Alberta Children Services and four Aboriginal communities in Alberta. Each pilot program is as unique as the community that creates it and BSBB is sharing their pilot process and outcomes at the national level. This research has also led all provincial ministries to add mentoring for Aboriginal children to their business plans for 2004 -2005.

Completed 2003