Alberta Network Environments for
Aboriginal Health Research
The Alberta NEAHR (formerly ACADRE Network) was launched in October 2001 through funding from the Institute of Aboriginal Peoples' Health within the Canadian Institutes for Health Research. The purpose of the national AHRNet initiative is to develop a network of supportive research environments across Canada that will facilitate the development of Aboriginal capacity in health research. Within Alberta, NEAHR funding was perceived by the investigators as being held in trust until the Aboriginal community gave form and direction for the development of a research program.
A community consultation was held in May 2002 to gather interested community members and organizations together to create a vision for the initial three years of program funding. This pivotal gathering inspired the development of the Alberta NEAHR vision, foundation principles and governance structure. Our governance network consists of a series of advisory groups that oversee and guide the primary areas of research, training and communications within Alberta NEAHR.