Acronyms and Abbreviations

Abbreviation: A shortened form of a word or phrase, used to represent the whole.

Acronym: A pronounceable word formed from the beginnings (letter or syllable) of other words and thus representing the phrase so formed.

NEAHR: Network Environments for Aboriginal Health Research

AADWP: Aboriginal Alcohol & Drug Worker Programme

AAHRP: Atlantic Aboriginal Health Research Program

AANSE: Aboriginal Ambassadors in the Natural Sciences and Engineering

AASLD: American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases

ABMRF: Alcoholic Beverage Medical Research Foundation

ACCU: Aboriginal Cancer Care Unit

ACHIEVE: ACtion for Health equity IntErVEntions

ACUNS: Association of Canadian Universities for Northern Studies

ACYRN: Aboriginal Community Youth Resiliency Network

ADRD: Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias

AFN: Assembly of First Nations

AFSP: American Foundation for Suicide Prevention

AHCAP: Aboriginal Health and Community Administration Program

AHF: Aboriginal Healing Foundation

AHIP: Aboriginal Health Initiative Program

AHRN: Arctic Health Research Network

AHS-AMHB: Alberta Health Services - Alberta Mental Health Board

AICR: Association for International Cancer Research

AIDS: Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

AK-NEAHR: Anisnabe Kekendazone - Network Environments for Aboriginal Health Research

AMS: Associated Medical Services

APCFNC: Atlantic Policy Congress of First Nation Chiefs

ART: AntiRetroviral Therapy

AS: Autism Speaks

ASHWINI: ASsociation for Health Welfare In the Nilgiris - India

AVL: Anthropology Visualization Laboratory at the university of alberta

BBBS: Big Brothers Big Sisters of Saskatoon

BC CLEAR: British Columbia Clean Air Research

BCAAFC: British Columbia Association of Aboriginal Friendship Centres

BCAAFC-PAYC: British Columbia Association of Aboriginal Friendship Centres - Provincial Aboriginal Youth Council

BCEOHRN: British Columbia Environmental and Occupational Health Research Network

BCMSF: British Columbia Medical Services Foundation

BOOST: Building Opportunities, Opening Students' Tomorrows!

CAAN: Canadian Aboriginal AIDS Network

CAG: Canadian Association of Gastroenterology

CAHR: Canadian Association of HIV Research

CAHR: Centre for Aboriginal Health Research

CAM: Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM:

CANFAR: CANadian Foundation for Aids Research

CAP: Congress of Aboriginal Peoples

CBHSSJB: Cree Board of Health and Social Services of James Bay

CBR: Community Based Research

CCFC: Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of Canada

CCFF: Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation

CCMB: Cancer Care ManitoBa

CCMC: Commission for Case Manager Certification

CCO: Cancer Care Ontario

CCSA: Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse

CDC: Centers for Disease Control and prevention

CEECD: Centre of Excellence for Child Development

CEO: Chief Executive Officer

CERAH: Centre for Education and Research on Aging and Health

CGCRC: Canadian Glaucoma Clinical Research Council

CHEO: Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario

CHPCA: Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association

CHSRF: Canadian Health Services Research Foundation

CIDA: Canadian International Development Agency

CIET: Centro de Investigación de Enfermedades Tropicales

CINE: Centre for Indigenous peoples' Nutrition and Environment

CIRMF: Centre International de Recherches Médicales de Franceville

CIS: Canadian Incidence Study of reported child abuse and neglect

CISEPO: Canadian International Scientific Exchange Program

CLSC: Centres locaux de services communautaires

CMA: Canadian Medical Association

CMA: Census Metropolitan Area

CMD: Common Mental Disorders

CMHRU: Culture and Mental Health Research Unit of the department of psychiatry, jewish general hospital

CMM: Confederacy of Mainland Mi'kmaq

CNIB: Canadian National Institute for the Blind

CBPR: Community-based Participatory Research

CO-PI: CO-Principal Investigator

COTF: Canadian Occupational Therapy Foundation

CPHA: Canadian Public Health Association

CSFS: Carrier Sekani Family Services

CUISR: Community University Institute for Social Research

CV: Curriculum Vitae

CWB: Community Well-Being

CYHRNet: Child & Youth Health Research Network

DARE: Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects

DHMSA: Diploma in the History of Medicine of the Society of Apothecaries

DIAND: Department of Indian and Northern Affairs and Development

DMARD: Disease-Modifying Anti-Rheumatic Drug

EBL: EthnoBiology Letters

EMSC: Emergency Medical Services for Children

EoG: End-of-Grant

EVD: Electronic Video Documentary

FAE: Fetal Alcohol Effecs

FALCON: First American Land-grant College and Organization Network

FAS: Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

FASD: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder

FBCYICN: Federation of British Columbia Youth in Care Networks

FN: First Nation(s)

FNHC: First Nations Health Council

FNIHB: First Nations and Inuit Health Branch

FNIRHS: First Nation and Inuit Regional Health Survey

FNUC: First Nations University of Canada

FOA: Funding Opportunity Announcement

FRCPC: Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Canada

FSIN: Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations

FUN: Friends Uniting for Nature

GDI: Gabriel Dumont Institute

GHR: Global Health Research

GiA: Grant-in-Aid

GIHRS: Global Indigenous Health Research Symposium

GLMA: Gay and Lesbian Medical Association

HC: Health Canada

HIRD: statistics canada Health Information and Research Division

HIRGC: assembly of manitoba chiefs Health Information and Research Governance Committee

HIV: Human Immunodeficiency Virus

HLN: Honouring Life Network

HLS: Hospital Libraries Section

HoPN: Health of Population Networks

ICAH: Information Centre on Aboriginal Health

ICC: Indigenous Cultural Competency

ICIHRP: International Collaborative Indigenous Health Research Partnership

ICWR: Indigenous Child Welfare Research network

IDRC: International Development Research Centre

IHMEC: International Health Medical Education Consortium

IHRDP: Indigenous Health Research Development Program

IHRKTN: Indigenous Health Research Knowledge Transfer Network

IIPS: International Institute for Population Studies

IK: Indigenous Knowledge

INAC: Indian and Northern Affairs Canada

IPHRC: Indigenous Peoples' Health Research Centre

IPV: Intimate Partner Violence

IRESCO: Institute for REsearch, Socio-economic Development and Communication

ISG: Sub Group on Indigenous children and young people

ITA: Industry Training Authority

ITK: Inuit Tapirit Kanatami

IYH: It's Your Health

KSDPP: Kahnawake Schools Diabetes Prevention Project

KT: Knowledge Translation

LLSC: Leukemia and Lymphoma Society of Canada

MAHC: McGill Aboriginal Healing Clinic

MCC: Medical Council of Canada

MFN CAHR: Manitoba First Nations Centre for Aboriginal Health Research

MHRG: Mi'kmaq Health Research Group

MJFF: Michael J. Fox Foundation for parkinson's disease

MLA: Medical Library Association

MNC: Metis National Council

MOHLTC: Ministry Of Health and Long Term Care

MS: Multiple Sclerosis

MSFHR: Michael Smith Foundation of Health Research

MUHC: McGill University Health Centre

MYST: McGill Youth Study Team

NAAF: National Aboriginal Achievement Foundation

NACCHO: National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation

NADACA: Native Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselling Association

NADD: Novel Approaches to Drug Discovery

NAHO: National Aboriginal Health Organization

NCADI: National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information

NCCAH: National Collaborating Centre for Aboriginal Health

NCE: Networks of Centres of Excellence of canada

NEAC: National Ethics Advisory Committee - New Zealand

NEAR BC: Network Environments for Aboriginal Research British Columbia

NET: New Emerging Teams

NFB: National Film Board of canada

NGC: National Guideline Clearinghouse

NICWA: National Indian Child Welfare Association

NIH: National Institutes of Health

NIMBY: Not In My BackYard

NITHA: Northern Inter-Tribal Health Authority

NMHA: Native Mental Health Association

NMHRT: Native Mental Health Research Team

NNADAP: National Native Alcohol and Drug Abuse Program

NNAPF: National Native Addictions Partnership Foundation

NOSM: Northern Ontario School of Medicine

NSD-PFC: NeuroSciences Division of the canadian physiotherapy association and the Physiotherapy Foundation of Canada

NWAC: Native Women's Association of Canada

OALE: Outdoor Adventure Leadership Experience

OCAP: Ownership, Control, Access and Possession

OGS: Ontario Graduate Scholarship program

OGTT: Oil and Gas aboriginal Trades and Technology

OISE: Ontario Institute for Studies in Education

OMIM: Online Mendelian Inheritence in Man database

PABC: Physiotherapy Association of British Columbia

PAGC: Prince Albert Grand Council

PaM: Para el Mundo

PAR: Participatory Action Research

PARC: Prairie Adaptation Research Collaboration

PBDE: PolyBrominated Diphenyl Ether

PD: Parkinson's Disease

PHAC: Public Health Agency of Canada

PLoS: Public Library of Science medicine

PMC: PubMed Central

PRAM: Participatory Research at McGill

PRE: interagency advisory Panel on Research Ethics

PSAB: Procurement Srategy for Aboriginal Business

PSIF: Physicians' Services Incorporated Foundation

PTO: Political Territory Organization

PTSD: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

RAMQ: Régie de l'Assurance Maladie du Québec

RAP: Research Affiliate Program

RCAP: Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples

RDC: Research Data Centres

RFP: Requests For Proposals

RHS: Regional Health Survey

RN: Registered Nurse

RNG: Research Network Grants

RRHAN: Red Road Hiv/Aids Network

SBHAC: Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus Association of Canada

SCE: cihr - Standing Committee on Ethics

SFU: Simon Fraser University

SHRF: Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation

SIEC: Suicide Information and Education Centre

SMAHHRP: Seeking Models for Aboriginal Health & Human Resources

SMI: Severe Mental Illness

SPHERU: Saskatchewan Population Health and Evaluation Research Unit

SRC: Saskatchewan Research Council

SRCFC: Scottish Rite Charitable Foundation of Canada

SRO: Special Research Opportunity grants

TBA: To Be Announced

TBD: To Be Determined

TCPS: Tri-Council Policy Statement

TEK: Traditional Ecological Knowledge

TIFRC: Tungasuuvingat Inuit Family Resource Centre

TRIP: Turning Research Into Practice

U of R: University of Regina

U of S: University of Saskatchewan

U of T: University of Toronto

UBC: University of British Columbia

UCCB: University College of Cape Breton

UN: United Nations

UNBC: University of Northern British Columbia

UNSI: Union of Nova Scotia Indians

UNYA: Urban Native Youth Association

UQAM: Université du Québec à Montréal

USIC: Understanding the Strengths of Indigenous Communities

UVIC: University of VICtoria

VIHA: Vancouver Island Health Authority

WGIFS: Working Group on Indigenous Food Sovereignty

WHC: Wikwemikong Health Centre

WHO: World Health Organization

YIHR: York Institute for Health Research