ABCD Project Evaluation
ABCD Project Evaluation
Comprehensive evaluation is critical to better assess the public health impact of an intervention. We applied the RE-AIM framework to provide insight beyond the ABCD interventions’ effectiveness to better identify effect and transferability. The framework consists of five dimensions: Reach into the target population; Effectiveness of the intervention; Adoption by target settings, institutions and staff; Implementation including consistency and cost of delivery; and Maintenance of intervention effects over time. Economic evaluation is included in the Implementation dimension of RE-AIM; however, this component is key to understanding the sustainability and information future project planning, therefore highly influencing the Maintenance dimension. We will post and report our economic evaluation findings here once available.
The results of our evaluation will foster our understanding and interpretation of why or why not the intervention(s) had an impact, and in which settings, as the PCNs represent unique entities, with different organizational structures, service delivery, programs, staff, and patient populations. This information will also be used to inform future decision-making and strategic planning by identifying critical factors to successful implementation (such as resources, staff qualities, and leadership) and recommendations to mitigate barriers. For example, the PCNs involved will be able to use the results of the evaluation to inform their own future business planning. In addition, the results will inform future implementation of the intervention in similar settings based on lessons learned.
For more information about the ABCD evaluation design and RE-AIM, email
For a video on ABCD Evaluation, click here.
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