Teaching Innovation Projects

  • Active Methodologies in courses of Statistics and Operative Research Area. Biennium 2021 y 2022.

  • Active Methodologies in courses of Statistics and Operative Research Area. Biennium 2019 y 2020.

  • Study of the active methodologies in courses of Statistics. Biennium 2017 y 2018.

  • Creation of learning materials for the Master in Mediterranean Horticulture under Greenhouse. 2014/15 and 2015/16.

  • Essential learning modules for Mathematics and Statistics. 2011.

  • Preparation of Fact-Sheets for the generic competencies in courses of Mathematics and Statistics in the new Degrees. 2010.

  • Mentoring programm in Bachelor in Mathematics. 2008/09.

  • Efficience analysis and improvement of the Teaching Innovation in the Bachelor in Market Research. 2007/08 and 2008/2009.

  • 2nd course of the calls of Pilot Projects of the European Credit System. 2007/08 and 2008/09.

  • Initiatives and proposals of Teaching Innovation for the implementation of new Degrees in the field of Pilot Experiences. 2007/08.

  • Online course on foundations of Matemathics and Statistics. 2006/07 and 2007/08

  • Strategic Planning of the future composition and structure of Degrees and Postgraduate Courses in the University of Almería. 2006

  • Mathematics and Statistics: improvement of the contents and teaching methodology. 2005.