
Welcome to our experiments page! Here you can find easy kid-friendly experiments that you can do at home. 

Materials needed:

The science behind it:

Boiling water in the aluminum can replaces dry air with water vapor. When the can is quickly moved from the hotplate to the ice bath, the water vapor rapidly condenses and creates a vacuum as the high-energy water vapor molecules slow down and condense into liquid water. Since the top of the can is submerged in the water, air cannot rush in to the fill the vacuum inside the can so the ambient atmospheric pressure crushes the can instead. 

Collapsing Can Experiment


See a demonstration below, performed by the 2021-2022 UAH AMS/NWA Student Chapter President, Adam Weiner

Materials needed:

The science behind it:

Adding milk to the water increasingly "scatters" the light coming from the flashlight. In the atmosphere, the sun acts like our flashlight and particles within the atmosphere act as the milk. At sunrise and sunset, the particles in the atmosphere scatter reds/oranges the most. During the middle of the day, blue light is scattered the most.

Why is the sky blue?       

Why are sunsets/sunrises orange?


Materials needed:

The science behind it:

A tornado is a swirling vortex of air, which in our experiment is created by moving the bottles in a circular motion as the water drains into the lower bottle. The glitter shows how debris such as leaves and shingles flow around a tornado.

Make Your Own Tornado


See a demonstration below, performed by the 2020-2021 UAH AMS/NWA Student Chapter President, Shelby Bagwell

Materials needed:

The science behind it:

The cold (blue) water sinks and spreads along the bottom while the warm (red) water rises above it. Thunderstorms often form along cold fronts since the cold air spreading out forces warm air above it. Sometimes, this warm air rises tens of thousands of feet into the air to form a thunderstorm. 

How Do Thunderstorms Form?


See a demonstration below, performed by the 2020-2021 UAH AMS/NWA Student Chapter President, Shelby Bagwell