Confirmed Speakers/Lecturers and Attendees

Registered Participants

Registered Participants (iid2022)

Confirmed speakers and lecturers

Guillaume Belanger, ESAC (gamma-ray methods and codes)

Max Bonamente (statistics for Poisson and count data)

Torsten Esslin, MPA (Information field theory for event data)

Eric Feigelson, Penn State (detection and variability)

Philipp Frank, MPA (NIFTy tutorial)

Alan Heavens, Imperial (field-based likelihood methods)

Vinay Kashyap, Harvard & Smithsonian CfA (detection and variability)

Matthew Kerr, SLAC (Bayesian blocks)

Thomas Loredo, Cornell (Bayesian methods)

Daniel Mortlock, Imperial College London (Flux estimation from count-based data)

Aneta Siemiginowska, Harvard & Smithsonian CfA (detection and variability)

Jeffrey Scargle, NASA Ames (variability and bayesian Blocks)

Francisco Villaescusa–Navarro, Simons Foundation (Machine Learning applied to cosmological simulations)

Dale Zimmerman, Iowa (Review of spatial statistics, mathematical statistics)