About Me

I am a nontraditional student, back to school after 5 years in the real word, aiming to become a high school English teacher within the next two years.

Raised and schooled in Boise, I've always lived close to the bench and hope to be able to teach at Boise High one day.

I currently work for a tech firm, Smartsheet, wherein I provide email based technical support for our APAC region customers

I enjoy reading in my spare time. My favorite genres are Fantasy and Science Fiction - however I will read anything that sounds interesting. Additionally, I am a gamer and focus mainly on console (X Box) games but also have a few favorite PC games.

When I have the time to go outdoors, I love hunting, camping and fishing - no matter the time of year.

I have three amazing fur babies that I will display pictures of all semester, here is a little about them:

Dani Mae (Daenerys Targaryen):

My dopy cuddle mutt. She is Labrador, Rhodesian Ridge Back mix, and full of energy at 3.5 years old. Her favorite toy is a squid (rope ball with tentacles) and her favorite hobby is looking out the window.

Bella (Bellatrix Lestrange):

The happiest angry cat I know. She is a Tuxedo, likely, Bombay cat, and couldn't be more active at 7.5 years old. Her favorite toy is a scratch box, and her favorite hobby is running around the house howling for no reason that we have yet to discern.

Bean/Luna (Luna Lovegood):

My fat cat. She is a tortoise shell tabby and is also 7.5 years old. Her favorite toy is a nice place to sleep, and her favorite hobby is laying on the stairs blocking Dani from going up or down.


My goals for this semester are to learn how teachers are currently using technology in their classrooms, and how I will be able to integrate this into mine in a seamless way that allows students to flourish in a creative and engaging manner.

Final Review