Indigenous tribes in Taiwan


There are 16 officially recognized indigenous tribes in Taiwan. The nation is home to over 570,000 new immigrants, most of whom hail from China and Southeast Asia.  

Dawu 達悟族

by 702 Amelie Chang 

Amis 阿美族

by 902 Norman Chang 

Rukai 魯凱族

by 706 Aaron Lin

Kavalan 噶瑪蘭

by 605 Stella Lee

Sakizaya 撒奇萊雅族

by 608 Kayla Lee

Paiwan 排灣族 

by 603 Yichen Chen

Puyuma 卑南族

by 707 Annie Hsu

Kanakanavu 卡那卡娜富族

by 604 Joshua Huang

Bunun 布農族

by 304 Ryan Chen

Thao 邵族

by 508 Brian Shi

Hla'alua 拉阿魯哇族

by 505 Anita Tsai

Tsou 鄒族

by 505 Ray Chen

Seedqid 賽德克族

by 806 Natalie Chen

Paiwan 排灣族

by 603 Peter Hsu

Dawu 達悟族

by 604 Justin Hsu

泰雅族 Atayal 

by 604 Wesley Wang