Will & Ida Hill

Ida Spikes Hill, Will Hill, and Ada Hill, 1910, Courtesty The Portal to Texas History 

In 1896, Will and Ida Hill arrived in Denton and bought property in Quakertown. A wealthy laborer, “Dollar Bill” Hill was a firm believer in saving money and owning land. When the proposed removal of Quakertown residents came into play, Will feared they would not receive fair compensation for their land and resented the racial implication that he and other Quakertown residents felt were the underlying cause for the move. Of all the fifty-eight property owners involved, Hill was the only one to openly challenge the city’s actions. Hill sued the city in acting in accord with his motto, “Respect every man, but fear one.” After his family was threatened with violence, he eventually dropped the suit. As it was 1922, southern Blacks at that time had little legal recourse and his action brought no compensation. 

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