Dr. Jackie Hoermann-Elliott
Faculty Fellow
Dr. Jackie Hoermann-Elliott is an advocate for embodied learning. Her teaching and research focus on the role of sensorimotor activities in the learning process, focusing on running, walking, yoga, and mindfulness practices specifically. Her scholarship has been published in national journals—such as The Journal for the Assembly of Expanded Perspectives on Learning and Composition Forum—as well as in several edited collections. Her first book—Running, Thinking, Writing: Embodied Cognition in Composition—was published by Parlor Press in 2021.
As a runner, a former yoga teacher, and a mother of three young children, Dr. Hoermann-Elliott maintains a very active lifestyle. She enjoys infusing movement- and mindfulness-based learning exercises into the writing courses she teaches at TWU whenever possible. For more information, follow this link: https://linktr.ee/jackieehelliott