What can a Tutor Do For You?

Tutors CAN:

  1. Review and explain assignments, outlines, and course objectives.

  2. Clarify and help students understand concepts presented by the instructor.

  3. Help you understand the textbook and how to use it.

  4. Help you develop learning skills and strategies.

Tutors CANNOT:

  1. Complete your assignments (required paperwork, clinical papers, etc.) for you.

  2. Teach to the test.

  3. Teach material you have not read or heard in class.

To Prepare For Your Tutoring Session You Should:

  1. Attend all classes and read all assigned material.

  2. Take notes on problem areas and list questions you may have.

  3. Send tutor the questions you have at least several days before the scheduled tutoring session.

  4. Bring your textbook, notes, homework, and any other materials you may need.

  5. Never wait until the day before the test or the day before an assignment is due to seek assistance. Study a few hours each day, and keep up with your assignments. It is EASIER to keep up than to catch up.

  6. Keep a positive attitude about the subject and about your potential to excel. Your attitude will most often determine how well you do in the course.

Minimum Technical Requirements:


  1. Students should schedule tutoring sessions at least 24 hours in advance to all the tutor time to prepare for the session.

  2. Tutors will wait for students up to 15 minutes after scheduled start time of weekly sessions. If no student show up, tutors may cancel session.

  3. To cancel a one to one tutoring session, contact your tutor using the method agreed upon (phone or email) at least 3 hours in advance.

  4. Both tutors and students should convey professional respect for each other.

  5. Student must send tutor questions before the tutoring session so that the tutor can prepare ahead of the tutoring session.

Failure to abide by these policies may result in your suspension of peer tutor assistance.


Initial Tutoring Request: To request peer tutoring services, please complete the Peer Tutoring Request Form prior to scheduling the first tutoring session. The tutoring center coordinator will contact you regarding your current needs and pair you with a tutor.

Returning Students: Find your specific tutor's profile on the "Our Tutors" tab. Click on "Schedule a Tutoring Session." You will be directed to the main calendar for the tutoring center. Search for your tutor and click on the appointment slot to confirm. Make sure to enter the course and content you are requesting help with for that session.