Robust Infrastructure

Action Item: 

By 2023, the School Library Team will learn about opportunities to collaborate to support student access to digital tools and devices. If there is not one in place already, develop a strategic vision for student technology access in the library.


Robust Infrastructure is a part of the FRL Framework that emphasizes the library's role in ensuring equitable digital access for all students. According to the FRL Framework, a librarian who supports Robust Infrastructure "provides and advocates for equitable access to collection tools using digital resources, programming, and services in support of the school district’s strategic vision."

In order to support the school district's strategic vision for student technology access, our School Library Team shall collaborate with the administrative and/or curricular teams to identify existing plans and continued/future areas of need. Our action item is meant as a first step toward addressing the following ISTE Standard for Educators where they concern Robust Infrastructure:


Leader Educators seek out opportunities for leadership to support student empowerment and success and to improve teaching and learning.
