Jenna Rosser

4 yr member


Jenna Rosser

Choir involvement

Women's Ensemble

Blush Tones

Voices of the Pack

Voice part


Bass (BT)

Favorite moment

scva festivals, being apart of voices, being a section leader, and spending time with my soon to be best friends :)

Since I left GOHS, my life.....

has not allowed me to apply my superlative awards.

How did you discover singing?

through church.

How are you still involved in music?

i continue to write and make music with Jessica Dutton.

If you can talk to your high school self now, what would you have said?

nothing was ever as serious as you thought it was and to take more time to soak in the good moments, you’ll miss them.

Last thought?

miss you dad. wish i could be a super senior forever :D