Angelica Laines


Angelica Laines

Choir involvement

Voices of the Pack

Voice part


Favorite moment

Christmas concert


SCVA festivals

San Francisco trip

Since I left GOHS, my life.....

has moved nonstop. Time seems to only move faster once you graduate.

How did you discover singing?

Singing in the choir in church and musicals (of course)

How are you still involved in music?

Still dabbling on the piano and singing karaoke. Sometimes local theater productions.

If you can talk to your high school self now, what would you have said?

Life moves so quickly so don’t rush into anything. Things happen the way they’re meant to so save your energy for yourself because now is your chance to do everything and anything you want

Last thought?

Mr. Park remains to be one of the greatest teachers in the world so listen to him.