Eduardo Quinata


Eduardo Quinata

Choir involvement


Voices of the Pack

Voice part


Favorite moment

My favorite moment when I was at GOHS was the San Fransisco trip we took to compete with other schools, that was a special moment for me that year. Another fond memory was trying to sing the OPUS DAI SONG??? I honestly can't remember the exact song name, but I remember Mr. Park told the class that this is one of the most technical songs that the program will try to learn and BOY it was a tough song. My years in the class starting from the basic level to being in ADV choir shaped my passion for singing, but more importantly art and music itself. Just by looking at the "What were you in...." at the beginning of the survey I can see more than just the two options I had when attending GOHS, I feel honored to be an Alumni of an excellent program.

Since I left GOHS, my life.....

After I graduated GOHS, I attended Arizona State University to pursue my degree in Economics and Sustainability. I graduated in 2018 and moved back to California in hopes of getting a job somewhere in Southern California. My girlfriend, who also attended GOHS, and I moved in together and live in Pacific Beach, San Diego. I work as an Operations manager for a Fashion company known as "Theory."

How did you discover singing?

I always was a singer, but Mr. Park was the one who allowed me to feel comfortable with the overall ability. To this day I credit Mr. Park for the love and passion I have for music.... so thank you Mr.Park

How are you still involved in music?

Sadly I am not as involved as I wish. I did however join, for a brief moment, an all mens singing club at ASU called the " Tempe-tations" It was fun for awhile until my coursework got extremely difficult and I chose to focus on my studies.

If you can talk to your high school self now, what would you have said?

I would tell young Eddie to ALWAYS follow what you want to do, never stop being you, and that life is EXACTLY what you want to make it. I would also say enjoy your youth and enjoy GOHS.... it's one amazing school that is like none other.

Last thought?

To conclude, I hope former and present GOHS choir members cherish the moments that were cultivated for as long as you can. To all the 2020 graduates - I offer nothing but my love to you as you have been forced to forgo all of your senior activities. My heart goes out to all of you. Understand that your generation, yes the one that birthed tik tok, will be one of the most important and crucial generations to live in these crazy times. To all my fellow alumnus - I send you nothing more than the love and S.P.I.R.I.T that we were so lucky to be apart of. We are living in strange times and this google form has made me very grateful for all the people, experiences, and lessons that have been passed on from class to class. Finally I will end with this:

Mr. Park, thank you for all the wisdom you continue to instill in all of your students, where all walks of life come to find solace in the art of music. Thank you for continuing to grow an amazing program at GOHS and thank you for the impact you made on not only my life but the thousands of others that have passed through your halls.

Stay safe and stay healthy,

Your fellow choir member,

Eduardo-Augustine Quinata

Class of 2014