Future Business Leaders of America 

About Us


In order to be admitted as an upstanding FBLA member, a student must:

Welcome to VHS FBLA! We are a community of aspiring leaders, future entrepreneurs, and like- minded individuals who are focused on learning the ins and outs of business. 

At FBLA we believe in having a collaborative environment that sharpens our intellect on business, drives us to be leaders, and teaches us how to be passionate about business. Whether you are a student who loves business or is looking for a fun, interesting organization that is related to the real world, FBLA is the perfect fit for you! 

Current/Future Plans 

As we embark on an exciting journey in the year ahead, FBLA is committed to bringing you an array of thrilling opportunities that will enrich your experience and fuel your professional growth. Get ready to connect with industry trailblazers as we bring you a lineup of distinguished guest speakers who will share their invaluable insights, offering you a firsthand point of view into the ever-evolving business landscape. 

Our meetings will include information on a variety of business topics. These visual resources are designed to expand your knowledge and challenge your perspectives. Get ready to encompass a journey beyond your imagination and beyond the classroom, where we will embark on thought-provoking field trips each semester. These experiences will enhance your real world knowledge on business as well as provide networking opportunities.

Need more information??

FBLA Google Classroom Code


Our meetings are held once per month in the Library Media Center. Check Google Classroom for the most updated information regarding meeting dates, meeting agendas, and meeting minutes.

If you have any questions, please contact:

Mrs. Marietta Kotch, FBLA Adviser, marietta.kotch@tvcs.org

FBLA Officers for 2023-2024

President, Tien Van
Vice-President, Luke Weber
Secretary, Selena Gross
Treasurer, Peyton Ressler
Reporter, Heidi (Ace) Venuto
Historian, Brianna (Prince) Collantes
Parliamentarian, Mytu (Angie) Nguyen
Assistant to the Adviser, Ale'jah Poole