Internet Safety

What is internet safety?

Internet safety are ways that you can keep yourself safe while using online tools.

Internet Safety Tips

Keep the computer in a high-traffic area.

Establish limits for which online sites you visit and for how long with a trusted adult.

Remember that Internet technology can be mobile, so your parents should to monitor cell phones, gaming devices, and laptops.

Surf the Internet with your parents and show them what you like to do online.

Know who is connecting with you online and talk to your parents about setting rules for social networking, instant messaging, e-mailing, online gaming, and using webcams.

Continually dialogue with a trusted adult about online safety.

Internet Safety: Secure Passwords

A secure password is your first line of defense against intruders and imposters.

Secure Passwords Tips:

Never Give Out Your Password (Except to a Trusted Adult)

Don’t Just Use One Password

Create Passwords That Are Easy to Remember but Hard for Others to Guess

Make Your Password at Least 8 Characters Long

In Your Password, Include Numbers, Capital Letters, and Symbols