
What is Cyberbullying?

Cyberbullying is doing something on the Internet, usually again and again, to make another person feel angry, sad, or scared.

Some examples of Cyberbullying

Sending a mean email or text message

Posting mean things about someone on a website

Making fun of someone in an online chat

Common Forms of Cyberbullying

Flaming and Trolling – sending or posting hostile messages intended to “inflame” the emotions of others

Happy-Slapping – recording someone being harassed or bullied in a way that usually involves physical abuse, then posting the video online for public viewing

Identity Theft/Impersonation – stealing someone’s password and/or hijacking their online accounts to send or post incriminating or humiliating pictures, videos, or information

Photoshopping – doctoring digital images so that the main subject is placed in a compromising or embarrassing situation

Physical Threats – sending messages that involve threats to a person’s physical safety

Rumor Spreading – spreading gossip through e-mail, text messaging, or social networking sites

What Should You Do if You are being Cyberbullied?

Never talk to people you don’t know.

If you receive a bullying message:

-Don’t answer, but save it

-Get off of the computer or put down the tablet/cell phone

-Tell a trusted adult

-Don't delete anything the cyberbully sent. This could be used as proof of what is going on.

What if you suspect someone is getting Cyberbullied?

Help the person by encouraging them to talk to an adult.

Tell the person being bullied that you care about them and want to help.

Do not spread rumors.

Tell the cyberbully to stop.