Senior English

Students: First, head to and create an account if you don't have one. I suggest using the Google button to log in. Click here to enroll in the Canvas course for Senior English. Make sure to go to Account -> Settings and change your Full Name to your name as it appears on Skyward. Make sure your Sortable Name is Last, First. Your Display Name can be whatever (school appropriate) name you like. 

Parents: Click here to see instructions on how to set up an observer account to track your student's progress on Skyward. Please give that a shot first, but it it doesn't work, send me an email with a request to link your account to a student account and I can manually set it up. 

Below you can find a general outline of what this year's curriculum will look like. Every year I add and cut things as I get to know my students and their instructional needs, but this should be pretty close to what we get to. 

Each unit takes about a quarter to complete. The unit is organized around a content theme. We will read fiction, nonfiction, and poetry as it relates to the theme, as well as various other multimedia. Students will participate in discussions, projects, and written assignments to demonstrate their knowledge of the content covered, as well as the skills practiced in class. 

Over the course of the year, students will be asked to write an autobiography. Click here to get to the full autobiography instructions. 

Unit 1: Your Future

This unit is all about gearing up for a life after high school. You'll set some goals, do some research, and prepare for the realities of job interviews and college essays (or a memoir if you don't plan on attending college. 

Things to expect in Unit 1: 

Readings and podcasts on finding your way without the structure of school 

How to Win Friends and Influence People - Dale Carnegie 

How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big - Scott Adams

Interview with Navy SEAL Rich Diviney 

Building Interview Skills

Writing an Application Essay for college (or a Memoir if you have other plans)

Creating and practicing a practice Senior Presentation 

Unit 2: Macbeth

Shakespeare. Love him or hate him, no English class is complete without him. 

Unit 3: 1984

The best part about reading 1984 is you will understand why people say "this is just like 1984!"  Whether they are right is tbd. 

Unit 4: Reality 

We will look into reality and how we know what we know. This is referred to as epistemology. 

The Allegory of the Cave

David Hoffman's TedTalk

Chomsky's 5 filter's of the media

The Truman Show (Movie) 

The Social Dilemma (Documentary)