Biotech Skills Certifications

Throughout their time in the Foster High School Biotech program, students have the opportunity to earn 35 different FHS micro-certificates based on lab skills and knowledge. Students self-assess their skill level on a 3-point scale after each lab activity. Once proficiency is achieved on all of the subcomponents of a certifications category, students can then ask to be certified in that category. A button will be given to students who then pass the certification test to wear on their lab coats. These students can then be the "experts" in showing other students how to perform these skills. 

Students can also apply for Bioscience Core Skills Institute Micro-Credentials once they feel confident in those areas.  Scroll down to see the BCSI Credentials.

Foster High School Biotech Skills Micro-certificates

Aseptic Techniques

Autoclave Use

Bacteria - culturing and transformation

Basic Lab Equipment use



Bradford Assa



Clean Hood aka Class II/A2 Biosafety Cabinet

DNA - extraction, restriction digestion, quantification, and purification


Flow Cytometry

Gel Electrophoresis - Agarose

Gel Imager


Lab Notebook

Lab Safety

Making Biological Media and Solutions

Microscope - compound light


Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) Library Prep

Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) sequencing on our illumina MiniSeq


PCR - conventional. duplex, qPCR and RT PCR

Pipetting and Liquid Handling

Plater Reader

Polyacrylamide Gel

Proteins - extraction, size, and mass


Scientific Research

Sequencer Wash - weekly maintenance on our illumina MiniSeq


Western Blot


Bioscience Core Skills Institute Micro-Credentials Available

Click on the badges for more information. Instructors are not allowed to evaluate their own students for the BCSI micro-credentials. The BCSI Micro-Credentials that Mr. Renz can evaluate are noted below. 

Essential Five Credentials

Renz can evaluate

Renz can evaluate

Renz can evaluate

Renz can evaluate

Renz can evaluate

Advanced Credentials

BETA Skills Credentials

Renz can evaluate