Real Time Reporting

Through effective reporting tauira will develop ownership of their learning and make meaningful connections between home and kura

Real Time Reporting

Real-time reporting enables whānau to see their rangatahi's progress on-line in real time. The process is driven by tauira with appropriate scaffolding by kaiako. Tauira have decide what to share with the people who are significant to them. It’s about the learning process, not the end product. We use :

  • Digital portfolios

  • Collaborative documents shared with whānau

  • Parent portals into the Student Management System

Google Classroom

What is Google Classroom?

Google Classroom creates a powerful learning loop between kaiako, tauira and whanau.

  • Google Classroom makes your rangatahi's thinking and learning visible.

  • Tauira complete assignments and post.

  • Tauira use google classroom, learning tools

TTR Tauira IEP

Engage with your rangatahi's learning in real time

  • Through Google Websites your rangatahi's learning is visual, assessable and current

  • See and celebrate your rangatahi's growth

  • Leave comments of encouragement

  • Connect to all your rangatahi's learning in one place

Kaiako as Coaches

We take time to explore with, nurture, challenge, support, listen to and build an understanding of each rangatahi.