AVID—Advancement Via Individual Determination—fosters a safe and open culture, high expectations for teachers and students, and collaboration in all classrooms

For more information about AVID, click HERE 


AVID has been at TR since the 2012-2013 school year! Since then, we have grown each year. This year, we have 22 members on our Site Team, 3 elective teachers, and 145 students! 

TR's AVID Site Team 

Interested in joining the Site Team?? 

Contact Adrienne Martinez at 

Meet the Site Team! 

AVID Coordinator: Ms. Adrienne Martinez 

AVID Elective Teachers: 

AVID Counselor: Ms. Megan St. Pierre 

AVID Administrator: Mr. Will Brown 

College and Career Counselor: Mrs. Annette Johnson 

Content Teachers: 


Dr. J. Moore - TR Principal 

Dr. Kimberly Hodges - DL of Science 

Ms. Leah Pietraszewski - DL of FACS and PE 

Ms. Erika Zachery - DL of English 

Mr. Taurus Scurlock - DL of Social Studies 

Ms. Veronica Mosley-Raggs - DL of Math 


Double Good Popcorn was a success! Thank you for your support! 


Faculty Vs. Student Basketball Game will be on March 14th from 3:30 - 5:30 

We need volunteers, players, cheerleaders, and more! 

We are also seeking donations for baskets that we can raffle off during the event. 

If you would like to contribute in any way, please see Ms. Martinez! 

Help us reach our goal! 

AVID Newsletters 

Each month, we publish an edition of the AVID Advantage - our monthly newsletter. 

They can be viewed below! 

Have an idea you would like to see in an upcoming newsletter? 

Click HERE to submit your request! 

Faculty Meetings! 

Join our Google Classroom: qqcjj5e 

All slides and materials are stored in our staff Google Classroom!

Click HERE for meeting dates!