Classes 1-2

Event 1 : Craffiti - Best Out of Waste (Class 2)

  • It is a solo participatory event.

  • Entries have been restricted to 2 participants from each school.

  • For the event, participants will get 45 minutes to create their craft from scratch, on the spot.

  • Participants should use recycled materials or waste materials like cardboards, plastic containers, cans, etc.(Kindly avoid using thermocol and single use plastic)

  • Participants should present their craft with a slogan.

  • Participants should keep cameras and microphones on throughout.

Event 2 : Sway with Nature - Solo Folk Dance

  • It is a solo dance participatory event.

  • Entries have been restricted to 1 participant from each grade. (Grade 1 - One participant, and Grade 2 - One participant).

  • Theme: The Five Elements of Nature. (Earth, Water, Air, Sky and Fire)

  • Participants have to choose any one element of nature for their performance.

  • Participants may select appropriate music, makeup and costume for their performance. They can create their own original costume (It can also be Best out of Waste).

  • The time limit is maximum 2 minutes. If any dance performance is exceeds to 2 minutes then marks for that participant will be deducted.

  • This event is a live dance competition.

  • Participants have to play music from their end to avoid internet lag.

Event 3 : Prakruti ke Soor - Action Song

  • It is a solo music participatory event.

  • Entries have been restricted to 1 participant from each grade. (Grade 1 - One participant, and Grade 2 - One participant).

  • Theme: The Five Elements of Nature. (Earth, Water, Air, Sky and Fire)

  • Participants have to choose any one element of nature for their performance.

  • Participants are free to choose Hindi or English action songs for their performance.

  • Performance should not be less than 1 min- and it should not exceed the time limit of 1.5mins

  • Costumes should be as per the performance.

  • Participants can use karaoke as background music for vocal music.

  • Participants should submit the final lyrics 1 week prior to the event on the given email id

Event 4 : Ode to the Environment - Recitation

  • It is a Solo participatory event.

  • Entries have been restricted to 1 participant from each grade. (Grade 1 - One participant, and Grade 2 - One participant).

  • Theme: Animals and Birds.

  • Participants should recite a poem as per the theme.

  • Participants are free to choose Hindi or English as the language of recitation

  • Participants can use hand-props to support their recitation.

  • Time limit to recite the poem is 2 minutes.

Event 5 : SAM - Solution in a Minute

We find everyone, everywhere talking about waste and waste management. In true sense, we ourselves are responsible for generating so much waste . People, in general, do not take care to keep their surroundings clean and this leads to deterioration of the environment .This leads to ill-health and gives rise to many health problems.

In SAM, young children will spend one minute given to them to present a solution towards waste management. They may support their thoughts with charts or props.

  • It is a solo SAM participatory event.

  • Entries have been restricted to 1 participant from each grade. (Grade 1 - One participant, and Grade 2 - One participant).

  • The participant will present one solution to reduce waste in the environment(4 R's- Refuse, Reduce, Reuse and Recycle)

  • The presentation may include charts or posters.

  • The presentation must contain a title and relevant images or information related to the given topic.

Event 6 : Speak a Thon - Elocution

  • It is a solo Elocution participatory event.

  • Entries have been restricted to 1 participant from each grade. (Grade 1 - One participant, and Grade 2 - One participant).


  • Recycling as a way of life. (Class 1)

  • We should save our rivers. (Class 2)

  • Time limit is 2 minutes, participants are requested to strictly adhere to the time limit.

  • Participants are expected to memorize their content.