How To...

Use the

School Counseling Site

School Counseling @ TSMS.webm
Logging on To MySchools and Using Filters

Browse through

MySchools & Use Filters

Find info:

Single Program Schools

One Program Schools.mp4
HS w/ Multiple Programs - NYC MySchools.webm

Find info:

Multi-Program Schools

Find info:

Audition Schools + LaGuardia

Browse Schools - NYC MySchools.webm
High School Drafts- Explain

Create a HS Draft

Balanced v. Unbalanced (Reach, Likely, Match)

High School Drafts (Reach, Match, Likely).webm

Creating a MySchools Account

Creating a MySchools Account .webm
MySchool Dashboard.webm

Creating a MySchools Account Part 2


Review the

HS Directory/SHSAT Handbook