Classroom Management

Behavior Plan

 I believe it is best for students to learn in an environment that is calm, safe, and happy.  To foster this environment, all children are expected to follow these expectations:

Classroom Expectations:

I will use watching eyes.

I will use listening ears.

I will use helping hands.

I will use kind words

I will use an inside voice.

I will raise my hand to speak in a group.

  I will use walking feet.

I will clean up my area.

If behavior does not reflect the expectation, the student will receive a verbal warning.  Following that, there will be a consequence for misbehavior.  The consequences are as follows:


1st time: Verbal Warning 

2nd time: Lose incentive card.

3rd time: Spend some time reflecting during recess about the problem and ways to solve the problem.


Students will start each day with an incentive card.   Rewards will be earned by keeping the incentive card on their desk.    Examples:  suckers, stickers, coupons, extra recess, etc. 😀