Mr. Hyden's Neck of the Woods Archive

South Fork of the Wildcat Creek.mp4

March 27, 2020 - A little science talk about the South Fork of the Wildcat Creek. It's located not far from Wyandotte Elementary School.

Be Weather Aware.mp4

March 28, 2020 - Being weather aware keeps you safe. Be sure to talk with your family about having a plan for when and if the weather gets bad.

Dog Walk.mp4

April 6, 2020 - Take a dog walk Jessie and me. If you have pets, what do they like to do with you? What are your pets favorite activities.? Send me an email message with a picture of you and your pet and tell me about their favorite activites.

Here is some information about Labrador Retrievers:

Red Fox .mp4

April 6, 2020 - Explore an active fox hole on the bank of the creek. Red foxes are quite common, but it's difficult to catch a glimpse of one. I've seen them and heard them make some strange sounds.

Banjo Neck of the Woods.mp4

April 12, 2020 - As you know, my whole family loves to play music together. In this video my son Colin Hyden talks about his favorite instrument, the Banjo. Colin started playing the banjo about 5 years ago. He also plays the fiddle and loves traditional music.

Banjo Facts for Kids

Guitar Facts for Kids

Fiddle Facts for Kids

Rocky Island.mp4

April 12, 2020 - Colin loves traditional music. Traditional music is music that is passed on by memory. Due to being passed down orally (by word of mouth and memory), there can be many different versions of the same song. Here Colin plays an old traditional song called Rocky Island in the East Kentucky banjo style. It's believed this song is several hundred years old, and it was oftern played in Eastern Kentucky and the Western parts of Virginia. Enjoy!

Traditional Music

Mr. Hyden's Neck of the Woods - Buoyancy.mp4

April 19, 2020 - Rocks that weigh less than 1 pound sink to the bottom but a kayak can float hundreds of pounds of people and gear. Why is that? Explore the concept of buoyancy to find out why boats float.

The Principle of Buoyancy for Kids

How Stuff Works - Why do boats made of steel float but bars of steel sink?

How Stuff Works - History of Kayaking

Mr. Hyden Neck of the Woods Plant Life.mp4

April 19, 2020 - Explore plant life in the woods. We take a close up lood at some of the large trees and early spring wildflowers found in the woods of North Central Indiana.

Flower Facts for Kids

Common Wildflowers of Indiana - DNR

Sycamore Tree Facts

Cottonwood Tree Facts

Honey Locust Tree Facts

Mr. Hyden's Neck of the Woods - Signs of the Animals.mp4

April 26 , 2020 - Signs of the Animals - Animals leave many signs of their presence on the creek and in the woods. In this video we explore and investigate the evidence that animals leave behind.

River Otters Facts

Beaver Facts

Indiana Freshwater Mussels

Indiana Freshwater Fish Identification

Indiana Mink

Woodpecker Information

Mr. Hyden's Neck of the Woods - Bridge.mp4

April 26 , 2020 - Bridge of the Creek - Bridges are necessary to everyday transportation. I cannot imagine a road, highway or railroad without bridges. Lets take a tour of the bridge that crosses the creek.

Girder Bridges

Truss Bridges

Bridge Facts

Mackinac Bridge

New River Gorge Bridge

Civil Engineering

Garden Neck of the Woods.mp4

May 3, 2020 - You will often find me in my garden during the summer time. However, the garden starts long before summer. Tour my garden starting with the cool weather, early spring crops and ending in the hot summer months when the garden is in full glory.

Beginner Vegetable Garden Information

How to Start a Beginner Vegetable Garden

How to Grow Lettuce

How to Grow Spinach

How to Grow Cherry Tomatoes

Creek Walk Neck of Woods.mp4

May 3, 2020 - Take a creek walk with me and Jessie! The water was crystal clear and it was a beautiful evening. Oh yeah, we saw some Bald Eagles and managed to get a few on video!!

Bald Eagles

Wabash River

Wabash River History - Video Centered around Terre Haute

Muscatatuck River - River that flows through my hometown of North Vernon, IN in Jennings County, Indiana