Grading Policy

The grades are based on the TSC grading scale as follows:

100% A+ 88 – 89% B+ 78 – 79% C+ 68 – 69% D+

94 – 99% A 84 – 87% B 74 – 77% C 64 – 67% D

90 – 93% A - 80 – 83% B- 70 – 73% C- 60 – 63 % D-

59% and below would result in an “F”

Students will be graded on projects, quizzes and tests. Most homework will be assessed based on “completion”, you will be advised otherwise. Some tests and major projects will be graded on a “weighted scale” due to their importance.

Absences: Please contact me for make-up work if your child is absent, especially if they are going to be absent more than one day. This will be expected to be made up in a reasonable about of time (1 extra day for each absence).

If you know of an absence ahead of time and would like your child's work in advance, please provide at least 1 week's notice so that I a may prepare the needed materials for your child.

Late work will not receive full credit unless an absence is involved.